Words with "bon"
Francophone countries
French in the English language
French monuments
Loup Garou
I mean good morning or good day in French.
What is bonjour?
I am a country in the Middle East where French language is used in schools and universities and is understood and spoken by the majority of the population. My flag has a cedar tree in the middle of two horizontal red stripes. Mrs. Chamma was born in this country.
What is Lebanon?
I am a French phrase that replies to "Respond, if you please." Invitation cards are usualy marked with it.
What is RSVP? "Repondez, s'il vous plait."
I am a French museum where the original Mona Lisa is found.
What is Le Louvre?

Je suis la caractère qui prend un 'coup d'oeuil' pendant les soirs.  coup d'oeuil = peeking

la petite fille

I mean good evening in French.
What is bonsoir?
I am a country where French is understood and spoken by 24% of the population. I am in East Europe. My flag is tricolor with vertical stripes: beginning from the flag pole: blue, yellow and red. Mrs. Jeler is from this country.
What is Romania?
I am a French phrase used in restaurants and refers to ordering individual dishes rather than a fixed priced meal.
What is a la carte?
I am 984 feet high. My total weight is 10,100 tones. I was inaugurated on March 31 1889. I am built entirely from metal to show off France's achievements in science and technology during a large trade fair. I am used as a symbol of France and Paris.
What is The Eiffel Tour?

Je suis la caractère qui choisi 2 personnes a être en amour.


I mean good night in French.
What is bonne nuit?
I am a country in Southeast Asia. I am bordered by China to the north, Laos to the northwest, Cambodia to the southwest, and South China Sea or East Sea to the east. I am the 13th most populous country in the world.
What is Vietnam?
I am a French word used to describe a brown-haired girl.
What is brunette?
I am a Catholic cathedral. I am built on an island in the River Seine. It is the exact center of Paris, and all distances from Paris are measured from me. I was built during the 12th century.
What is Notre Dame?

Je suis la caractère qui peut sauver les victimes des loups.

la sorcière

I mean happy birthday in French.
What is bon anniversaire?
I am a former French colony. I am in West Affrica. Dakar is my capital city. My flag is tricolor equal vertical stripes: beginning from the flag pole green, yellow, and red with a green five-pointed star in the middle of the yellow stripe.
What is Senegal?
I am a French phrase used when someone has the impression or illusion of having seen or experienced something before. I can be translated to "already seen."
What is deja vu?
I represent the power of the Sun king Louis XIV. I have marvellous gardens. I was also the main palace for Louis XV & Louis XVI. I was attacked during the French revolution.
What is Versailles?

Je suis la caractère qui peux regarder les cartes des autres.

le voyant

I mean candy in French.
What is bonbon?
I am a country in west Europe where 20% of my population have French as native language. I am bordered by Germany to the north, France to the west, Italy to the south, Austria to the east. My flag consists of red flag with a white cross in the center.
What is Switzerland?
I am a french word that refers to a man or woman engaged to be married.
What is fiance(e)?
I stand in the center of the Place Charles de Gaulle. I am also at the end of Champs-Elysees. I was built to honor those who fought for France, particularly during the reign of Napoleon.
What is The Triumphal Arch (Arc de Triomphe).

Je suis la caractère qui peut tuer quelqu'un quand je suis tuer. tuer=killed

le chasseur