What system does the islamic calendar follow
The lunar cycle
The first prophet was ___
The first ever prophet was Adam (as)
What city was the prophet born in
What Is Zakah?
Zakah is a special kind of charity in Islam where Muslims give a small part of their money (usually 2.5%) to people who need it.
Ibis refused to bow down to __
Adam (as)
What place do muslims worship in?
Which Prophet was swallowed by a whale
Prophet Yunus/Jonah
Which battle was a setback for the muslims
Battle of Uhud
Muslims fast during this month every year...
What is the other name of the angel of death
What surah is know as "The heart of the Quran"?
Surah Yasin
Which prophet built the Kaaba with his son?
Name the Prophet (saw) kids in order from oldest to youngest
1). Qasim, 2). Zainab, 3). Ruqayyah, 4). Umm kulthum 5). Fatima 6). Abdullah 7). Ibrahim
What is the name of the pilgrimage to makkah?
Who is the angel in charge of hell and also the angel in charge of paradise
Malik is incharge of hellfire and ridwan is in charge of paradise
what surah doesn't start with bismillah?
Surah At-Tawbah
Which prophet was mentioned most in the Quran?
Prophet Musa
Which companion had the idea to dig a trench
Fill in the Blank
___ is believing in one god and that prophet muhammad is his messenger
What is the Job of Munkar and Nakir
The two angels who test people in the grave
What are the first three battles in Islamic history
1). Badr, Uhud, Trench (Khandaq)
What book did Isa bring down
What is the name of the cave where the first revelation was ever recieved
Cave hira
What is the order of the 5 pillars of islam?
1).Shahadah 2).Salat 3). Zakat 4). Sawm 5). Hajj
The only angel mentioned by name in the Quran besides Jibreel.