The investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning.
What is Philosophy?
Claims that when there is little difference between points, then there is no important difference even for wide gaps.
What is The Slippery Slope Fallacy?
An example that refutes an argument or claim.
What is a counter example?
An argument that refutes an argument or claim.
What is a counter argument?
A valid argument where all of the premises are true.
What is a sound argument?
The study of moral values and principles.
A claim put forth as a reason for a conclusion.
What is a premise?
Someone who is concerned impartially with the interests of everyone affected by what they do.
What is a Conscientious Moral Agent?
An argument where there is no possible way for the premises to be true and the conclusion to be false.
What is a valid argument?
Morally right is that which is commanded by God and morally wrong is that which is forbidden by God.
What is Divine Command Theory?
A set of claims, one of which is meant to be supported by the others.
What is an argument?
Moral language is not fact-stating language, rather, moral expressions are a means of influencing people's behavior.
What is Emotivism?
A claim meant to be supported by the premises offered in an argument.
What is a conclusion?
The principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others.
What is Altruism?
There exists no independent standard of moral judgement. Rather, truth in or justification of moral judgment is relative
What is Cultural Relativism?
Examines the nature of valid reasoning propositions, and the methodology applies.
What is logic?
The claim that each person ought to pursue his or her own self-interest exclusively.
What is Ethical Egoism?
The habit of valuing everything only in reference to ones' personal interests.
What is Egoism?
When one argues that an action is morally right or wrong, they are simply stating if they approve of that thing.
What is Simple Subjectivism?
Morality consists in the rules/governing behavior that rational people will accept, on the condition that others do too.
What is Social Contract Theory?
Investigation of reality and its nature.
What is Metaphysics?
Examines what we know, how we know it, and whether it is true.
What is Epistemology?
An individual's morality is based on mere feelings, opinions, or beliefs and nothing more.
What is Ethical Subjectivism?
Each person does in fact pursue his or her own self-interests exclusively.
What is Psychological Egoism?
The moral beliefs and practices of a culture, community, or religion or a code/system of moral rules or values.
What is Morality?