60's Politics
60's Music
60's Trends
60's Celebrities
60's Prices

This US President from California ran for election in 1968 where he committed the Watergate Scandal.
A. Richard Nixon
B. Peter Merz

A. Richard Nixon


This English rock band was formed in 1962 and included members Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, and Charlie Watts.
A. The Beatles
B. The Rolling stones 

B. The Rolling Stones
-The Stones began as a grubby conclave of students and bohemians playing a then esoteric music based on Chicago blues in pubs and clubs in and around West London.


This jeans that were narrow and then opened up at the end were commonly worn by younger generations.
A. Elephant Jeans
B. Bell bottoms

B. Bell bottoms


What show did John Travolta star in before starting his successful film career?
A.Welcome Back,Kotter

A. Welcome Back, Kotter
-He appeared in ten episodes, earning $2,000 for each one, and he was billed as a "special guest star".


In 1960 a new house cost _____.

B. $12,700


Lyndon B. Johnson raged war against what country whose leader was Ho Chi Minh?
A. Korea
B. Vietnam

B. Vietnam


This popular jazz artist sang songs like "Hello Dolly!" and "What a Wonderful World."
A. Louis Armstrong
B. John Grove

A. Louis Armstrong


What psychedelic print became popular in the 1960s?
A. Tie Dye
B. Adire

 A. Tie Dye


This famous film director released The Birds in 1963. A. Alfred Hitchcock
B. John Sturges

A. Alfred Hitchcock


In 1960 the average cost of a new car was _____.
A. $2,600
B. $3,270 

A. $2,600


In February, 1967 the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution was enacted.  What was the subject of the 25th Amendment?
A.Succession of President and Vice-President  
B.Voting age lowered from 21 to 18 

A. Succession of President and Vice-President  


This guitarist wrote songs like "Hey Joe" and "Voodoo Chile". He died at a young age.
A.Bill Anderson
B.Jimi Hendrix

B. Jimi Hendrix


What hat style did Jackie Kennedy popularize in the 1960s?
A. Beret
B. Pillbox

B. Pillbox


The novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, was written by this author.
A. James Patterson
B. Harper Lee

B. Harper lee


1 Dozen Eggs in the 60's
A. $0.90
B. $0.53 

B. $0.53


Who was Abraham Zapruder?
A.The author of the first Kennedy biography "Death of a President"
B.The amateur photographer who filmed the assassination of President Kennedy 

B. The amateur photographer who filmed the assassination of President Kennedy
--It is said that he was so traumatized by the event that he never filmed anything again.  


This song was a big hit when it was first sang by the Supremes in the 60's, but was an even bigger hit when Phil Collins brought it back in the 80's.
A. You Cant Hurry Love
B. Follow the Leader

A. You cant Hurry Love


What ‘60s counterculture was known to wear black turtlenecks and berets?
A. Beatnik
B. Boho



Which actress was in 'How to Marry a Millionaire' and 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes'?|
A.Marilyn Monroe
B.Elizabeth Taylor

A. Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe was a gold digger in 'How to Marry a Millionaire'.


Average price of Skippy Peanut Butter in the 60's
A. 89 cents
B.79 cents 

B. 79 cents
NOW- $2.98


On October 16th, 1964; this Asian, Communist country deployed its first atomic bomb.|
A. China
B. North Korea

A. China
--China exploded an atomic bomb at 15:00 hours on October 16, 1964, thereby successfully carrying out its first nuclear test.


The song "Help!" was a goofy song in this band's second album.
A.The Beach Boys
B. Beatles 

B. Beatles


These boots were created by a French designer in 1965. It was an instant hit for women in nightclubs.
A. Go- Go Boots
B. Timberlands

A. Go Go boots


This author wrote the famous book Slaughterhouse-Five in 1969.
A. Kurt Vonnegut
B. Roald Dahl

A. Kurt Vonnegut


Average cost of Bacon in the 60's
A.79 cents per pound
B.59 cents per pound 

A. 79 cents per pound