Doc Luhring
2 Facts: True & Untrue or Untrue & True?
In the Year of Their Marriage
FOG (Friends of Grandparents)

This is Grandma's nickname at boxing.

What is Sparty?


This animal is the mascot for Grandpa's favorite baseball team ... and is also mentioned in Sie Leben Hoch.

What is a Tiger?


Fact #1:  Grandma was a guest on a radio show called "Ask the Nurse."

Fact #2:  Grandpa was a guest on a TV show called "Ask the Veterinarian."

What is an untrue (#1) and true (#2) fact?


LBJ were the initials of this man re-elected as president in the election year of 1964.

Who was Lyndon B. Johnson?


Grandma's childhood neighbor, Gary Rupprecht, later held this political office known in German as Burgermeister.

What is Mayor of Frankenmuth?


In grandma's childhood home it's rumored that their kitchen sink had 3 choices instead of the typical 2.  In addition to hot and cold water, there was also this liquid available right out the faucet.

What is beer?


If Grandpa catches you sitting around the house, he's likely to encourage you to go outside to have this blown off you.

What is "the stink?"


Fact #1:  Grandpa was kicked by a horse and drove a truck struck by lightning

Fact #2:  Grandma was chased by a bear and drove a car through a tornado

What is a true (#1) and an untrue (#2) fact?


In the year of Grandma and Grandpa's wedding, the Dixie Cups sang a popular song about going to this place and doing this thing.

What is the Chapel of Love? And what is "Gonna get married?"


Grandma's life-long friend, Elaine, loves this type of animal.

What is a cat?


Grandma doesn't speak very much German, but when she's exasperated she's likely to say this phrase which translates roughly to "Oh dear!"

What is "Ach du lieber!"


Grandpa made Beth and Steve watch this show on Saturday nights when they were little.

What is Hee-Haw?


Fact #1:  Grandma was a dancer for the Frankenmuth version of the Rockettes, known as the Frankenmuth Sprockettes.

Fact #2:  Grandpa saved the testicles of the bulls he castrated and served them as a deep-fried delicacy the clinic's Christmas party for the local farmers

What is an untrue (#1) and true (#2) fact?


This musical debuted in 1964 and its title contained a greeting to Ms. Levi, its lead character.

What is Hello Dolly?


Grandpa's golfing buddy, Art Loesel, taught this subject at Frankenmuth High School.

What is English?


According to Grandpa, Grandma's favorite piece of chicken is rumored to be able to help a person do this amazing feat.

What is fly to heaven?


Children love to see the animals at the zoo. Along those lines, Grandpa and Mr. Berg took their kids to do this similar but economical alternative while in the UP.

What is watch the bears at the Curtis dump?


Fact #1:  Grandpa originally went to college to become a farmer

Fact #2:  Grandpa originally went to college to become a human doctor

What is a true (#1) and untrue (#2) fact?


In 1964 Michigan's Govenor Romney visited a brewery in Frankenmuth which brewed this brand of beer.

What is Carling's Black Label?


Grandma's walking partner, Sue Beckert, enjoys this sport in the winter.

What is skiing?


In this year, Grandma's favorite college football team tied Notre Dame as the #1 team in the nation.

What is 1966?


Because Grandpa often wore this item while on farm calls, one of the farmers would greet him with "Howdy partner!"

What is a cowboy hat?


Fact #1:  Grandma was once in a volunteer librarian at St. Lorenz school and Grandpa was once Rotary chairman

Fact #2:  Grandma helped found Frankenmuth's recycling program and Grandpa was once St. Lorenz's board of education chairman

What is a untrue (#1) and true (#2) fact?


In 1964, 7 acres were purchased near Frankenmuth Mutal Insurance for this organization where Grandma's brother, George, later worked.

What is the Lutheran Home?


Grandpa's blooperball teammate, Bob Loesel, played the game with this object in his mouth.

What is a toothpick?