A woman and 9 friends are under one umbrella. But nobody gets wet. Why?
It wasn't raining
That's nonsense!
Nạkreīyn mī cảnwn mākkẁā khrū
The students outnumber(ed) the teachers
Pages, chapters, index
A book
Name 3 sports played WITHOUT a ball
Judo, Karate, Boxing, Swimming, Track and Field, Javelin, Muay Thai, Badminton...
The more of this there is, the less you see. What am I?
It's not all fun and games
ไม่ใช่เรื่องง่าย ๆ
mâi châi rûeang ngâai ngâai
mâi châi rûeang sà nùk
Why (do you) make things so complicated?
Lense, shutter, flash
A camera
Name 3 animals that start with the letter C
Camel, Capybara, Cassowary, Chamois, Chicken, Chimpanzee, Cobra, Crow, Cockatoo, Cougar, Cuckoo, Caracal, Caribou, Cat, Cheetah, Chinchilla, Chipmunk, Cormorant, Caiman, Crocodile, Cardinal, Chameleon, Chickadee, Coati, Conure, Copperhead, Corella, Coyote, Crane.
What goes away as soon as you talk about it?
Add insult to injury
Example: She added insult to injury by telling me they were out of rice.
sám dtoem
EXAMPLE: เธอมาซ้ำเติมเราด้วยการบอกว่า ข้าวหมดแล้ว
Thorthạṣ̄n̒ t̄hūk tid wị bn p̄hnạng
The television is/was mounted on the wall
Saddle, pedal, wheel
A bicycle
Name 3 Spanish speaking countries
Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, Venezuela and Puerto Rico
What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat, and 2/4 goat?
A bad worker always blames his tools
THAI: รำไม่ดีโทษปี่โทษกลอง (Ram mai dee toed bhee toed glong)
ENGLISH TRANSLATION: A bad dancer blames the flutes and drums
Khuṇ h̄mx c̄hīdyā h̄ı̂ c̄hạn
The doctor gave me an injection
Hands, strap, face
A watch
Name 3 things with wheels that are not vehicles
จงบอกชื่อสิ่งของ 3 อย่างที่มีล้อซึ่งไม่ใช่ยานพาหนะ
Office chairs, rolling pins, luggage, toy carts, roller skates, pizza cutters, exercise equipment like treadmills, some types of industrial machinery, pottery wheels, a ship's steering wheel, and some types of furniture with caster wheels.
How many seconds are in a year?
January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd, April 2nd...
You are not the sharpest tool in the shed
TRANSLATION: คุณไม่ใช่เครื่องมือที่คมที่สุดในโรงเก็บของ
MEANING: คุณโง่
P̄hū̂ dị̂ rạb bād cĕb dị̂ rạb kār s̄ı̀ k̄hā theīym
The injured man was fitted/received an artificial/prosthetic leg
Tongue, sole, laces
A shoe
Name 3 words that are different in American and British English
(example: Rubber vs. Eraser)
1. Lorry vs. Truck 2. Flat vs. Apartment 3. Nappy vs. Diaper 4. Holiday vs. Vacation 7. Barrister vs. Attorney 8. Jumper vs. Sweater 9. Torch vs. Flashlight 10. Trousers vs. Pants 11. Rubber vs. Eraser 12. Mobile vs. Cell Phone 13. Boot vs. Trunk 14. Chips vs. French Fries 15. Fringe vs. Bangs 16. Bin vs. Trash 17. Trolley vs. Cart 18. Hoover vs. Vacuum