Social or Coping Skills
Bigger Picture Thinking
Warning Signs
All About You

If someone is over in a corner crying, this is showing what kind of emotion and what social clues do you take?

Sadness, any social clues- being over in the corner, crying, telling an adult, or talking with that person.


Your friends are pressuring you to use drugs or alcohol with them. You decide not to, but also get into a vehicle with them.  What is the bigger picture here.

If you are not the one driving, you could get an accident. If you are driving and get pulled over, you could get an MIP. Your family or future job prospects could be effected by this decision.


Clenched hands mean what?

You may be starting to feel anger 


My favorite food is...

any answer works. Thank you for sharing.


If you are not feeling well you can talk to staff. Your head is hurting and you don't have (Tylenol/Advil) on the med chart.  How do you advocate for your needs?

You could ask to lay down, use an ice pack, etc.


If using the mp3 player wasn't an option what are 3 other skills you could use





Your family encourages you to do well in school but it annoys you to the end.  What is the bigger picture?

You could do well and be offered scholarships or you could get so upset at them, that you purposefully do poorly in school and potentially ruin job prospects.


A racing heart means?

You just ran a mile, or you could be anxious or afraid.


My best quality is...

Any Answer is correct


If you are not feeling well, you can talk to staff. Your leg is hurting, and you feel like it is broken.  How do you advocate for your needs?

You can tell staff that you would like to go to the doctor.

Is punching a pillow or your bed an effective coping skill?

It depends.  Many people recommend this, but there has been research that shows it can promote more anger and the desire to punch bigger things like walls.


Is putting your hands on anyone a good idea?

No.  In the home, it could result in consequences, but also bigger picture thinking, you could go to jail if it is a fight that truly hurts someone.


Getting the "Sunday Scaries" before school weeks or in the mornings means?

You are anxious about work or school.  You can talk to a trusted staff about this and advocate for your needs.


My worst quality is...

any answer here


Your eyes hurt, you have to squint to see the board, and have a headache at the end of the day.  What can you do?

You can ask staff to go to the eye doctor.


Is tapping a pencil or pen an effective coping skill?

It could be a distraction or trigger for someone else, so it may feel well but it could bother others.

Is dropping out of school a good idea? What is the bigger picture here?

It isn't the best idea.  You may not be provided opportunities for additional work or you may feel shamed if you have children and they ask questions (in many years from now).  You can reach out to your school counselor or always return if you do drop out.


An upset stomach means?

You could be feeling anxious, nervous, afraid, or hey lets be real, you could have just eaten taco bell.

I feel this emotion most intensely...

answer here 


You were chewing something and you heard a crack.  What do you do?

You can ask staff to go to the dentist.


If you are new to school and someone asks you to hang out or join them at a lunch table that means?

They are wanting to invite you into their social circle. 


The first rule of fight club?

You don't talk about fight club.


Sadness or hopelessness are

potential signs of depression, could be signs of suicidal thoughts, and could stem from the loss of a family member, friend, or pet.


The thing that scares me most is...

any answer, thank you for sharing.


You are struggling to sleep at night and have nightmares.  You are tired in the morning and cranky in the morning.  What do you do?

You can talk to the staff and the medication manager.