What is productive work?
Definition of זורע
What is "sowing"?
What is plowing?
Definition of קוצר?
What is "reaping"?
The definition of טוחן
What is grinding?
What is 39?
What does sowing involve?
Placing a seed into the ground
Connection to the Mishkan
They plowed the land in order to sow the plants they needed for dying the curtains
Connection to the Mishkan
Plants were reaped to prepare dyes for the colorful curtains.
The way they did טוחן in the Mishkan
What is dying plants and grinding flour for the lechem hapanim.
What is the Mishkan?
How does זורע connect to the Mishkan?
Dye plants were sowed for the curtains in the Mishkan.
The Melacha of חורש includes
What is digging and making a furrow in the ground?
The Melacha of קוצר includes
Picking grapes, harvesting dates, collecting olives.
One of the Avot Melachot of טוחן?
What is (1) grinding into a powder, (2) in order to cook or eat?
Definition of Tolda
Secondary (not-primary) action
A Tolda of זורע
What are planting or pruning?
A Tolda of חורש
What is: weeding, fertilizing, preparing planting, leveling the earth?
A Tolda of קוצר
The Toldah of טוחן?
What is only 1 of the 2 parts of the Av Melacha
The Melacha that we learned but isn't on the board
What is מעמר?
What practical goal are we avoiding in this Melacha?
What is a prohibition against planting or facilitating the growth of plants?
The goal of מלאכת חורש?
What is improving and enhancing the earth for planting?
The goal of the Melacha
What is avoiding harvesting or gathering crops?
What is NOT an example of טוחן because the grain was already ground?