What is a bedload?
What is sediment that is too large to be carried through a stream.
How do streams erode their channels and transport sediment?
What is Streams usually erode their channels by lifting loose particles, by abrasion and grinding, and by dissovling soluble material.
What is a capacity?
What is the most sediment that a stream can carry.
What are 3 ways to prevent flooding?
What is planting extra vegetation, terracing hills to slow flow downhil, and the construction of floodways.
What year did Micheal Jackson die?
What it June 25, 2009.
What is a flood?
How does stream deposit occur?
What is Deposition occurs as streamflow drops below the critical settling velocity of a certain particle size. The sediments in that catagory begins to settle out.
What is a floodplain?
What is the side to side cutting off of a stream that makes a flat valley floor.
What three ways can streams transport sediment?
What is dissolves load solution, suspension or suspended load, bouncing or rolling along the bottom(bedload).
What year was Micheal Jackson born?
What is August 29 1958.
What is a Delta?
What is an accululation of sediment where a river meets a lake/ocean.
What are the two types of stream valleys?
What are Narrow valleys and Wide Valleys.
What is the land area that contributes water to a stream.
What year was the dandelion crayon by crayola discontinued?
What is 2017 March 1st.
What year was China founded?
What is October 1 1949.
What is a natural levee?
A ridge consisting of mostly coarse sediment.
What causes floods, and what are the major flood control measures?
What is Most floods are caused by rapid spring snow melt or storms that bring heavy rains over a large region. Measures to control flooding include artificial levees, flood control dams, and placing limits on floodplain development.
What is a divide?
What is Serparates drainage basins of one stream from another.
What is the digitus minimus pedis.
What is Jacob?
What is: Slenderman.
What is alluvium?
What is sorted material deposited by a stream?
What is the relationship between a stream and a drainage basin?
What is a drainage basin is the land are that contributes water to a stream.
SURPRISE!!!! How does urban development interfere with the natural function of floodplains?
What is removing vegetation and soil, grading the land surface, and constructing drainage networks increase runoff to streams from rainfall and snowmelt.
What did Odysseus tell the Cyclops his name was?
What is Nobody.
What happened to Henry the 8th when he was placed in his casket?
What is: The jostling of the carriage as it trundled across the rutted highways had, so some accounts maintain, caused the gasses of decomposition to explode, resulting in the separation of the lead plates that enclosed the body.