Compression & Taping
Pain Science
Name the muscles that perform upward rotation of the scapula

upper trap, lower trap, and SA


Describe the means by which kinesiotaping provides local pain relief (x2 mechanisms)

- lifts the skin, allowing more blood flow to an area to promote extensibility and healing, as well as reduced pressure on pain receptors decreasing sensitivity to pain


Define graded exercise and provide an example

graded exercise - exercise progression through quota attainment, often combined with CBT, and has a focus on general activity progression of duration/intensity vs. specific movements


An individual who presents with local low back pain, and symptoms that improve with heat and rest and worsen with flexing forward and getting dressed in the morning most likely is represented by what pain mechanism?

nociceptive pain


Name 3 contraindications for cryotherapy

Raynaud's, cold intolerance or sensitivity, over regenerating nerves, PVD or other circulatory compromised areas


What is the nerve root that corresponds most to the root innervation of the gluteus medius

L5 (L4-S1)


When would mcconnell taping be utilized over kinesiotaping?

to provide structural support at an area for a shorter period of time, utilized more outside of exercise than kinesiotaping


Describe 2 tests that can be used to assess exercise readiness/tolerance in a 65 yo male with CA being seen for deconditioning

6MW test, submaximal cycle ergometry, YMCA step test, 1 mile walk


Name 3 psychosocial factors that are associated with chronic, nociplastic pain

anxiety/depression, poor coping strategies, poor emotional/psychological wellness, insomnia/poor sleep health, hx of trauma, low health literacy, low SES


Describe a situation where an individual may use ice massage vs. a cold pack

ice massage- used for smaller, irregular areas; quicker tx time 


Name the O&I for the RTC muscles on the posterior aspect of the scapula 

Supraspinatus- supraspinous fossa, greater tubercle

Infraspinatus- infraspinous fossa, greater tubercle

Teres minor- lateral border of scapula, greater tubercle


What is the "protocol strategy" for applying kinesiotape?

anchor stretch anchor


define graded exposure and provide an example

Graded exposure- gradually exposing a patient to a series of movements that are perceived to be painful

ie: posterior pelvic tilt, child's pose, seated flexion, standing flexion


Name 2 words/phrases that "harm" and an alternative for each

negative test result - everything looks normal

wear and tear, degeneration - normal age-related changes


Describe the proper setup for a hot pack for heating the bilateral upper traps (hot pack parameters- size, layers, etc and positioning)

Long cervical hot pack with 6-8 layers between patient's hot pack and patient's skin; timer set for 5-10 min; checking in or bell provided for pt if first time; seated or prone ideal 

What nerve innervates the diaphragm?



Provide an example when static compression and intermittent compression may be used (1 of each)

Static- lymphedema, general support or reduction in local swelling, amputee shaping

Intermittent- DVT prevention, chronic venous insufficiency, PAD (peripheral arterial dx)


Describe how HTN medication impacts an individual's exercise response

HTN meds- keep BP from rising at the same rate it would without meds, limits HR increase, thus limits rapid BP increase via removing fluid from vascular system and decreasing workload on the heart 


describe the difference between "chronic pain" and "centrally mediated" pain (nociplastic)

chronic pain - pain that has been going on for a long period of time and tissue damage may or may not still be present, might be a disruption in healing or a long recovery 

nociplastic pain - centrally mediated pain; body's response to pain has become hypersensitive due to changes in the brain and it's ability to interpret threats to the body appropriately


What is the therapeutic heating temperature? 

40-45* C (104-114* F)


Name all 12 cranial nerves in order

olfactory, optic, oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, hypoglossal


What are 2 ways to assess edema objectively?

figure 8 measurements, taping measures, volumetrics, pitting edema scale


Describe 3 ways a walking lunge exercise can be made more difficult without just adding weight

tempo, core twist, hold time, the addition of HR, the addition of a jump


Describe the process of pain interpretation

the body's response to a threat, pain is dictated by the brain, in which the pain response is shaped by a multitude of things


Name 3 precautions for thermotherapy

cardiac insufficiency, pregnancy, poor thermoregulation, acute injury/inflammation, open wound, topical cream/medications, demyelinated nerves or mild sensation changes, edema, impaired circulation