Barack Obama grew up in
What is Honolulu Hawaii?
An act that Barack Obama put into motion that created, or preserved millions of jobs
What is the American Cover and Reinvestment act?
How Barack Obama met Michelle Obama
What is a Law Firm.
The country in which Barack Obama went to a meeting, and walked in on two suited men going through his papers
What is China?
What state did Barack Obama run for senate in
What is Illinois?
A major act that reformed Healthcare Insurance
What is the Affordable Care Act?
Major act which Michelle Obama created to help feel children
What is the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act?
A song by Eminem that Barack Obama listened to before each debate
What is 'Lose Yourself'
A college that Barack Obama graduated in 1983
What is Columbia University?
Major act that reformed Wall Street in order to protect consumers.
What is the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act?
The year that Michelle and Obama got married
Terrorist leader who Barack successfully ordered a special ops mission to kill
Who is Osama Bin Laden
The individual who Barack came into senate after, who had initially said she would not run, but decided not to (In my opinion his first major political betrayal)
Who is Alice Parmer?
Act that did not pass through congress, meant to protect immigrants who came to the United States as children, which allowed them to work in the USA.
What is the DREAM act?
As first lady, the group of people Michelle focused on aside from obesity in children
What is military families?
The last country which during a UN meeting with leaders of South Africa, Brazil, and China met with
What is India?
The kind of cancer which Barack Obamas mother passed away from
What is Uterine Cancer?
The ACA legislation was based off of this major reform
Massachusetts Health care reform
Michelle Obama was the first First Lady of the White House to be
What is African-American
The report given by the CIA which Barack Obama read every single morning
What is the President's Daily Brief?