Mixed Bag

Most energy sources on Earth originate from - 

A) the atmosphere

B) coal

C) the sun

D) natural gas

C) the sun 


The gradual increase in the temperature of the atmosphere due to trapped heat is known as - 

A) Greenhouse Effect

B) The Water Cycle

C) Global Warming

D) Earth's Energy Budget

A) The Greenhouse Effect


What type of heat transfer occurs when the sun heats your body? 

A) Conduction

B) Convection

C) Radiation

D) Circulation

C) Radiation


Another name for radiant energy is - 

A) electrical

B) thermal

C) light

D) chemical

C) light 


Which energy transformation occurs when using a toaster? 

A) Chemical --> Electrical

B) Electrical --> Thermal

C) Thermal --> Electrical

D) Electrical --> Chemical

B) Electrical --> Thermal


Engineers designed which device to capture energy from the sun? 

A) Wind Turbine

B) Hydroelectricity

C) Fossil Fuels

D) Solar Panels

D) Solar Panels


What would be the best title for this diagram? 

A) Earth's Mechanical Energy

B) Solar Radiation and Me

C) Earth's Energy Budget

D) How to Convert Chemical Energy

C) Earth's Energy Budget


When warm air rises because it is less dense and cool air sinks because it is more dense, heat is being transferred by --

A) Conduction

B) Convection

C) Radiation

D) Evaporation

B) Convection


The energy stored in a battery is - 

A) electrical 

B) thermal

C) mechanical 

D) chemical

D) chemical 


What type of solar radiation cannot be seen but can be felt by the skin? 

A) Ultraviolet Radiation

B) Visible Light

C) Infrared Radiation

D) Radio Waves

C) Infrared Radiation


Solar radiation that can be broken down into the individual colors of the rainbow is called --

A) Visible Light

B) Ultraviolet Radiation

C) Infrared Radiation

D) Microwave Radiation

A) Visible Light


What absorbs most ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun before they hit Earth's surface? 

A) The clouds in the atmosphere

B) The ozone layer

C) Greenhouse gases

D) Water vapor in the atmosphere

B) Ozone Layer


Earth's atmosphere and ocean circulate and are warmed due to what type(s) of thermal energy transfer? 

A) convection and conduction

B) radiation and convection

C) conduction and radiation

D) convection only

B) radiation and convection


A group of students enjoyed a pizza before going bowling. While bowling, the chemical energy in the pizza will be transferred into what type of energy? 

A) Solar

B) Mechanical

C) Electrical 

D) Radiant

B) Mechanical 


Which of the following waves is NOT part of the electromagnetic spectrum? 

A) X-rays

B) Radio Waves

C) Intertidal Waves

D) Microwaves

C) Intertidal Waves

Choose three answers: 

Which of the following radiations produces energy from the sun? 

A) Visible Light

B) Ultraviolet Radiation

C) Infrared Radiation

D) Microwave Radiation

A) Visible Light; 

B) Ultraviolet Radiation

C) Infrared Radiation 


According to the circle graph, which greenhouse gas is being released into our atmosphere the most? 

A) Nitrous Oxide

B) Methane

C) Fluorinated Gases

D) Carbon Dioxide

D) Carbon Dioxide


On a hot summer day at the beach, a person would expect the --

A) sand to heat up faster than water

B) water to heat up faster than the sand

C) water and sand to heat up equally 

D) water and sand to remain the same temperature all day. 

A) sand to heat up faster than water


Electrical --> Mechanical 

Which example best illustrates the energy transformation shown? 

A) Using a pencil sharpener that is plugged into a wall outlet. 

B) Lighting up a dark room using your cell phone's flashlight

C) Heating a slice of bread in a toaster oven 

D) Eating a candy bar before a big race

A) Using a pencil sharpener that is plugged into a wall outlet. 


Which is NOT an example of fossil fuels? 

A) Oil

B) Biomass

C) Natural Gas

D) Coal

B) Biomass


After coal is formed, how is it transformed into a secondary source of energy? 

Put the steps in the correct order: 

___ Added heat turns water into steam.

___ Steam spins turbines. 

___ Electricity provides communities with power. 

___ Coal is burned, which creates heat. 

___ Coal is mined from underground. 

___ Generators change mechanical energy in the turbines into electrical energy.

1 - Coal is mined from underground. 

2 - Coal is burned, which creates heat. 

3 - Added heat turns water into steam. 

4 - Steam spins turbines. 

5 - Generators change mechanical energy in the turbines into electrical energy. 

6 - Electricity provides communities with power. 


Pick 3 answers: 

What does Earth's energy budget track? 

A) How much energy is flowing in and out of Earth's climate

B) How much chemical energy is released from plants

C) Where energy is going

D) If the energy coming in balances with the energy going out

E) The number of people using electrical energy

A) How much energy is flowing in and out of Earth's climate;

C) Where energy is going; 

D) If the energy coming in balances with the energy going out



What are the 5 types of energy (match them with the definitions below)? 

- The energy in an object due to its motion or position.

- Energy made possible by the flow of electrons.

- Energy stored in the bonds of compounds. 

- Also called heat energy and its produced by atoms moving due to increased temperatures. 

- Energy that travels by waves or particles such as electromagnetic radiation.

* Mechanical: The energy in an object due to its motion or position.

* Electrical: Energy made possible by the flow of electrons.

* Chemical: Energy stored in the bonds of compounds. 

* Thermal: Also called heat energy and its produced by atoms moving due to increased temperatures. 

* Radiant: Energy that travels by waves or particles such as electromagnetic radiation.


Question: Is hot water or cold water more dense? 

Two students are investigating the density of water at different temperatures. Based on the question shown, which could be their hypothesis? 

A) If water is heated, then its density will reduce causing it to rise. 

B) I think that hot water is denser. 

C) Does hot water rise or does cold water rise? 

D) The independent variable is the different water temperature. 

A) If water is heated, then its density will reduce causing it to rise.