US History
DaVita History
The Basics

What circular item was given to teammates in 2010 to celebrate an anniversary?

What is a 10-year challenge coin?


This sixteenth president of the United States was also the only president to receive a U.S. patent for a device designed to lift boats over shoals.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


Where was the 1st patient in the world treated by repeated hemodialysis?

Where is Seattle, Washington? 


This person taught many of us about germ warfare.

Who is Ted Kasparek?


Who won the Best Actor Oscar for his role in "The Revenant" in 2016?

Who is Leonardo DiCaprio? 


What genetically-edited kidney from this animal was recently successfully transplanted into a human?

What is a pig? 


Out of the 54 signers of the Declaration of Independence, only these two men later became president of the United States of America.

Who are John Adams and Thomas Jefferson?


What year were the core values and mission statement and DaVita’s name created?

What is the year 2000? 


When an alternating current needs to be smoothed out after it has been converted to a direct current, we use this component.

What is a capacitor?


What is the only film to have won all "Big Five" Academy Awards (Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, and Best Screenplay)?

What is "Silence of the Lambs"?


What street does Mike Macias live on?

What is S Black Powder Drive? 


He is credited with inventing the lighting rod as well as the first flexible urinary catheter.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


Who was the first Biomed hired on the west coast over 45 years ago?

Who is Rudy Agular? 


The labs use this creatures’ blood as a reagent to measure the LAL value.

What is a Horseshoe crab?


What is the name of the fictional newspaper that employs Clark Kent (aka Superman) in the "Superman" franchise?

What is the Daily Planet? 


What two acronyms were used before BOM to indicate Biomedical Teammate with direct reports? 

What is ABS and ABM? 


This lake, which is the largest of the Great Lakes, holds three quadrillion gallons of water, which is enough liquid to completely cover both North and South America under a foot of water.

What is Lake Superior?


Did DaVita manufacture RO’s for its dialysis facilities and by whom?

Yes! And who is Davis Gouty? 


The method used to create pure water that we are warned against using.

What is DI?


What is the name of the evil sorcerer in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy?

Who is Sauron? 

What is the name of the program that is going to replace BART? 

What is system X? 


He started the world’s first outpatient dialysis facility in 1962, and later went on to develop a small, portable dialysis machine that allowed people to undergo dialysis in their own homes.

Who is Dr. Belding Scribner?


What was the name of DaVita’s 1st dialysis center in Washington State?

What is Federal Way, Washington? 


This media is sometimes used in conjunction with GAC to enhance the removal of elements in water such as chlorine, iron, hydrogen sulfide, lead, mercury, calcium carbonate, magnesium, chromium, bacteria, algae, and fungi.

What is KDF (Kinetic Degradation Fluxion)


What is the name of the character played by Will Smith in the "Men in Black" franchise?

Who is Agent J?