What is I.A.M stand for?
What type of reporting option will not trigger an investigation and therefore not hold the offender accountable?
What are the three Categories of Sexual Harassment?
Verbal, Non-Verbal, and Physical Contact
What are some types of online misconduct?
Harassment, bullying, hazing, stalking, discrimination, retaliation, or any other types of misconduct that undermine dignity and respect.
Whom can you contact for additional resources?
How long after a sexual harassment incident does a Soldier have to file a formal complaint of sexual harassment?
60 calendar days
What are the two types of sexual harassment?
Quid Pro Quo and hostile environment
Members of the Army team should apply what 3 things when using electronic communication devices?
"Think" about the message being communicated and who could potentially view it;
"Type" a Communication that is consistent with army values; and
"Post" only those messages that demonstrate dignity and respect for self and others.
Who is 644th SHARP Rep?
SFC Myers
If a Soldier is uncomfortable with confronting inappropriate behavior, what other avenues are available to them to address the behavior?
Third Party, Indirect approach, Chain-of-Command, Formal complaint.
Intentional sexual contact characterized by the use of force, threats, intimidation or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent.
Sexual Assault
Intentional sexual contact characterized by the use of force, threats, intimidation or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent.
Sexual Assault
When does the Army’s policies on sexual harassment apply to Soldiers?
24/7 on and off post
What are the Two ways to report sexual assault crimes?
Restricted & Unrestricted Reporting
Any deliberate or repeated unwelcome verbal comment or gesture of a sexual nature by any member of the armed forces or civilian employee of the Department of Defense.
Sexual Harassment
A freely given agreement to the conduct at issue by a competent person.
(877) 995-5247
DoD Safe Helpline
Who do you report to if the Victim feels uncomfortable because the Alleged Offender is the Commander or in the Victim’s Chain of Command, to include the NCO Support Channel?
the victim can report to law enforcement directly, go outside of the chain of command to a SARC or VA from another unit, or report the offense to a higher command. Victims can also seek assistance from the DoD Safe Helpline.
Demanding sexual favors in exchange for a promotion, award, or favorable assignment
Quid Pro Quo
Taking or threatening to take an adverse or unfavorable personnel action, or withholding or threatening to withhold a favorable personnel action, with respect to a victim or other member of the Armed Forces because the individual reported a criminal offense or was believed to have reported a criminal offense