Is Doraemon a robot?
Yes he is.
Do you walk to school?
Yes I do.
No I don't.
Does Mr. Matsuda wear glasses?
Yes he does.
What is 花火 in English?
It is 'Fireworks'.
Are you a member of the volleyball team?
Yes I am.
No I am not.
Is Australia in Asia?
No it is not.
Do you play Splatoon?
Yes I do.
No, I don't.
Does Ms.Cook come from Australia?
No she does not. (She comes from America)
What day is it tomorrow?
It is Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday.
Are you twelve years old?
Yes I am.
No, I am.... years old.
Is Mr.Brenton from Melbourne or Sydney?
He is from Melbourne.
Do you know how to say カキ氷 in English? (What is it?)
Yes I do. Shaved Ice.
Does Saito Takuya like scuba diving?
Yes he does.
What is this Pokemon's name in English?
It's Charizard.
What is this anime's name in English?
It is Demon Slayer
Is the correct 'eat' past tense 過去形(かこけい):
'He eated pasta' or 'He ate pasta'?
He ate pasta.
Do bears live in Australia?
No they don't.
Does Mr. Brenton live in Tokyo?
No he does not. He lives in Kanazawa.
What is your favourite English movie?
My favourite is Star Wars/Titanic/etc.
Who is the painter of this painting?
It is Vincent Van Gogh.
Is it autumn in Australia now?
No, it is spring.
Do Australians eat kangaroo?
Yes they do.
Does it snow in Australia?
Yes it does, but not in the city! Only in the mountains.
What is the spelling of this word:
Come and write it on the black board!
How many pokemon are there (all up - 全部)?
(Closest number wins. 最も近い番号が勝ちます)
There are 1017.