What kind of rebellious behaviour did Father Rob Galea engage in as a teenager?
Drink, smoke, take drugs, steal, lie.
What was Father Rob Galea's emotional state immediately before his significant life experience?
Depressed, terrified and utterly alone.
What does Father Rob Galea say is the purpose of religious practices like prayer and sacraments?
To deepen our relationship with God.
Which event marked a turning point in Father Rob's life?
Attending a Catholic youth group meeting
What unusual method did Father Rob Galea use to begin communicating with Jesus?
Talking to an empty chair.
According to Father Rob, how often does he speak and listen to God?
Every day
Before his SLE, what was Father Rob Galea's relationship with Jesus?
He was disinterested and distant.
On December 2, 1999, what extraordinary experience did Father Rob Galea have?
He saw Jesus sitting in the chair.
After his SLE, what was the 'knowledge' that enabled Father Rob Galea to face and overcome his pain, depression and drug addictions?
That he had God as a companion who cared for and about him, and would never leave his side.
Why was Father Rob Galea confused about his belief in God before his SLE?
He thought, if God was supposed to be loving, why did He allow Galea to go through his suffering alone.
What was Father Rob's initial reaction when he saw Jesus in his room?
Anger and questioning.
How did Father Rob Galea show an increase in his engagement with his Catholic faith after his SLE?
By participating in youth groups, training to become a priest, daily prayer, songwriting
According to Father Rob Galea, what level of faith did he have before his SLE?
He was uncertain about his faith, he wasn't even sure if he believed in God.
What realization did Father Rob have about Jesus' tears?
They were the tears Father Rob couldn't cry himself.
How does Father Rob Galea describe his new sense of purpose after his SLE?
To know God more, to try and love him more perfectly and to serve him.