The first Olympic games took place in what country?
"Some people are worth melting for"
What are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution called?
Bill of Rights
What makes the Nintendo Switch unique?
It's a hybrid console - you can play on your TV or as a hand-held.
Alex Tribec was from which country?
The most popular sport in the U.S. is?
American football
"To infinity and beyond"
Toy Story
In 1513, the first Spanish explorer to reach the shores of America landed where in the U.S.?
What country is the creator of Minecraft from?
True or false. Jeopardy debuted in 1964.
How many baseball players are out on the field during play?
"There's no place like home"
Wizard of Oz
The first American colony was established in what state?
What's the best selling video game of all time?
What's the name of the all-time Jeopardy champ?
Ken Jennings
How many miles are in a marathon?
"Never look back darling. It distracts from the now"
Who was president during the Civil War?
Abraham Lincoln
Super Smash Bros. came out in what year?
Alex Tribec hosted Jeopardy for how many years?
36 years
What's the longest recorded field goal in football?
69 yards
"Fish are friends. Not food."
Finding Nemo
Who made the first successful flight in America?
The Wright Bros.
Innersloth created what popular video game?
Among Us
Art Fleming