Ananya's favorite color
What is blue?
Number of siblings that Ananya has
What is 1?
Olive garden pepper spice level.
What is "not spicy"?
A country outside of the United States that Ananya has visited.
(Multiple possible answers)
Ananya's favorite year of high school
What is senior year?
A food that Ananya dislikes
What is broccoli? (Other answers may be correct)
Frequency that Ananya's family calls her
What is daily?
The best way to relax
What is reading?
Where Ananya and Jenny have gone together.
Language that Ananya took in high school
What is French?
A fruit that Ananya likes
(Many possible answers)
Meanings of Ananya's parent's names
What is a sun and a star?
Indeedingesteringly is a word and has feelings.
What is true?
The trip Ananya was most excited for in 2024.
What was the Indian wedding trip?
Name of Ananya's high school
What is William Mason High School?
A movie that Ananya likes
What is How to Train Your Dragon? (Other answers may be correct)
Language that Ananya's family speaks
What is Tamil?
Ananya and Jenny share this (it helps them navigate campus).
What is an internal compass?
The trip that Ananya collected her first magnet from.
What was the New York City trip?
Ananya's favorite AP class
What is AP Chemistry?
Something that Ananya is scared of.
What are spiders? or What are heights?
Ananya's sister's name
Who is Swarna?
Correct way to peel a banana.
How do you peel a banana from the crown down?
A place on Ananya's bucket list.
What is Greece? (Other answers may be correct)
What was the Forensic Science Club?