Free for All

What is main idea?

a. the author's message about a topic

b. the message

c. the plot

a. the author's message about a topic


What is a summary?

a. the message

b.  restates the most important information or ideas of a passage

c. the story

b.  restates the most important information or ideas of a passage


What is an inference?

a. Guessing

b. Using evidence and prior knowledge 

b.  A text feature

b. Using evidence and prior knowledge 


When is there 29 days in February?

A leap year


Finish the line:

"Back in the 6th grade..."

double points for doing the dance

I got them bad grades, I was in love with my tutor.



When summarizing, you use only the important details



You can only summarize books



Jackson threw his hands up. He'd done it again! The leaves of his aloe vera plant were droopy and wrinkled. Last month, his spider plant had shriveled up. The month before that, his fern had turned brown. Next time, he would get a fake plant.

Based on the text, which sentence is more likely to be true?

a. Jackson often forgets to water his plants.

b. Jackson's plants are old and delicate.
a. Jackson often forgets to water his plants.

It belongs to you, but your friends use it more. What is it?

Your name


Finish the line

"I could have my gucci on"

Double points for the dance

I could wear my louis vuitton...


Dear Grandmother, 

1 Our family has finally moved to the new settlement. Although it is presently a small town, father says it will expand and develop in due time. Right now, if there is an item we need, we have to make it ourselves or trade for it. My mother says that eventually we will be able to buy things at a store, but currently, there are no stores nearby, so we either make it or do without it. 

What is the best summary of paragraph 1? 

a. The family has moved to a small settlement. 

b. There are no stores. 

c. The town is growing  

a. The family has moved to a small settlement.


2 Our journey here was very lengthy and challenging. First, we traveled by wagon and then we traveled by boat. We placed all of our belongings in a gigantic trunk, and it was extremely heavy. The trunk slid right off the boat, but luckily, it was constructed of wood, so it floated. Father was able to get them to circle the boat back around so we could retrieve our trunk. 

What is the best summary of paragraph 2?

 a. The family traveled a long distance.

 b. The family lost their trunk. 

c. The family’s journey was difficult. 

d. The family traveled by wagon and boat.

c. The family’s journey was difficult. 


Franco held the sandwich bag by a corner and made a face."I've heard of green eggs and ham," Franco's stepmom said, "but green peanut butter and jelly? No thanks!""Ha ha, very funny," Franco said. "Let's find out what else is in here."

Based on the text, which sentence is more likely to be true?

a. Franco found an old sandwich in his backpack.

b. Franco doesn't like sandwiches for lunch.
a. Franco found an old sandwich in his backpack.

If you don’t keep me, I’ll break. What am I?

a promise


finish the line

"Don't wanna let you out of my heeeeeaaaaaaaaad...."

Double points for doing the dance!

"just like the day that I metchya"


The first book Chris read in fifth grade was about a lost kitten. Then he read a book about a family of bears, and then he read about a wild kangaroo in Australia. It seems every book Chris reads is about animals. Last week he found a good book about snakes and reptiles, and another book about elephants. Today Chris went to the library, and he checked out a book about dolphins, whales and other animals that live in the sea. 

The best summary of this passage is...

a. Chris likes kangaroos.

b. Chris is in the fifth grade.

c. Dolphins and whales live in the sea.

d. Chris reads a lot of books about animals.

d. Chris reads a lot of books about animals.


For the walls, Jenny thought she would use a bright yellow paint. She would pick a border that had mostly bright red and green colors, and maybe a little bit of blue. She already had found some curtains that were sky blue with streaks of red, blue and yellow that she thought would go great with the walls. And finally, she had picked a carpet that was mostly blue with specks of red and yellow. Jenny couldn't wait till she was done decorating her room. It was really going to look awesome.

 The best summary of this passage is:

a. Jenny likes bright colors.

b. Jenny was going to paint her room. 

c. Jenny was picking out colors and materials to      decorate her room.

d. Yellow is a good color to paint your walls.

c. Jenny was picking out colors and materials to      decorate her room.


Mackenzie flipped the light switch off and on, but the lamp didn't turn on. The TV wouldn't turn on, either. Mackenzie looked out her window. All of the other houses had dark windows even though it was dinner time. 

Based on the passage, the reader can infer that...

a. The light switch wasn't working

b. Mackenzie's parents forgot to pay the light bill

c. The power is out on Mackenzie's street

Choose the BEST answer.

c. The power is out on Mackenzie's street


Mrs. Brown has 5 daughters. Each of these daughters has a brother. How many children does Mrs. Brown have?

They have 6 children. Each daughter has the same brother. There are 5 daughters and 1 son.

finish the line

" I put this shoulder up..."

"I put this shoulder up, and I drop em. cuz I don't care"


As the daughter of a wealthy Illinois businessman, Jane Addams did not have to worry about money. However, she was concerned about the poor. During a trip to Europe, Addams visited Toynbee Hall, a settlement house in London. Settlement houses were places offering free services to the poor. Inspired by what she saw in London, Addams opened a settlement house of her own in Chicago in 1889. Hull House was one of the first centers of its kind in the United States. It helped many families who had just arrived from Italy, Germany, Russia, and Greece. The center offered classes, child care, food, and help with finding jobs. 

What is the main idea of the passage?

a. As a result of her visit to London's Toynbee Hall, Jane Addams founded the first settlement house in Chicago.

b. Hull House was one of the first places in the U.S. to offer free child care, classes, and other services to poor families.

a. As a result of her visit to London's Toynbee Hall, Jane Addams founded the first settlement house in Chicago.


Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was the first woman to be elected as the leader of an African country. As president of Liberia, she made huge improvements in peoples' lives. Before Johnson Sirleaf became president in 2005, Liberia was in debt, and most people didn't have jobs. The country had also been divided by a long war. After Johnson Sirleaf entered office, she asked other countries for help with the debt. She made it possible for more girls to go to school. She also worked for peace in Liberia. Because of the important work she did in Liberia, she won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2011. 

What is the main idea of the passage?

a. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf's work made the lives of many people in Liberia better.

b. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf worked to give girls the opportunity to go to school.
a. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf's work made the lives of many people in Liberia better.

When Dana entered the room, Annie pretended not to see her. "Of course," Annie said to the rest of the group, "some people couldn't be here on time. Some people had more important things to do."

Based on the passage, the reader can infer that Annie is feeling...

a. Annoyed

b. Surprised

a. Annoyed


When is Mrs. Luna's birthday?

The closest team will get the points

February 5th, 1998


What was tiktok BEFORE it became tiktok?
