One-Word Movie Titles
U.S. State Capitals

What 1963 film starring Elizabeth Taylor was once one of the most expensive films ever made and actually won Taylor a Guinness Record for excessive costume changes?





Answer: Cleopatra


What is the state capital that is home to Sutter's Fort, which is famous for its association with a major gold rush beginning in 1848?





Answer: Sacramento


How many chapters are in the book of Psalms?





Answer: 150


What day was the invasion planned for before being moved for inclement weather?

 5th June

 31st May

 4th June

 6th June

Answer: 5th June

The original day for the invasion was set as the 5th of June. There were only a few possible days when the invasion could go ahead due to tides on the landing beaches and daylight hours. If the invasion had not gone ahead on the 5th, 6th or 7th of June then the invasion would have been delayed an extra two weeks.


 What do a Frank Loesser song about an unhurried voyage to Cathay, a 1944 Alfred Hitchcock movie filmed entirely upon the open water, and an American nursery song which concludes that "life is but a dream" have in common?





Answer: boat


 What 2007 Pixar film starred a rodent and was set in France?





Answer: Ratatouille


What is the state capital named after a Prime Minister of Prussia who oversaw the unification of Germany in 1871?





Answer: Bismarck


Where was Abraham from?





Answer: Ur


What was the deception plan implemented by the allies to deceive the axis into thinking a landing would be made at the Pas-de-Calais?

 Operation Fortitude

 Operation Neptune

 Operation Husky

 Operation Market Garden

Answer: Operation Fortitude

Operation Fortitude was successful in fooling the Germans into thinking that an invasion would be made elsewhere. Despite German forces being present in Normandy on D-Day, the number were not nearly as great as they would have been had the Germans known the precise location of the landing.


Around 1784, Antoine Beauvillier did something in Paris nobody'd done before. Everybody just ate it up. What did he do?

 He executed a king

 He wrote an X-rated novel

 He invented the beret

 He opened the first modern restaurant

Answer: He opened the first modern restaurant


Subtitled "Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan", what 2006 film starred Sacha Baron Cohen, in-character, traveling across the U.S.?





Answer: Borat


What is the state capital where many early American Revolutionary War battles occurred, including the Battle of Bunker Hill?





Answer: Boston


From which direction did the wise men that came to see baby Jesus come?





Answer: east


Which invasion beach had the highest number of casualties of any of the beaches landed on on D-Day?

 Omaha Beach

 Sword Beach

 Utah Beach

 Juno Beach

Answer: Omaha Beach

Omaha Beach had far more casualties than any other beach on D-Day, so much so that General Bradley considered a retreat from the beach. The disaster on Omaha resulted from several factors that were not present or were less present on the other beaches.


Which character from the television series "The Mentalist" shares her name with the capital city of Portugal?Hint

 Zagreb Richards

 Jane Madrid

 Teresa Lisbon

 Sophia Prague

Answer: Teresa Lisbon


Sigourney Weaver returned as Ripley in what 1986 action film set on LV-426 and directed by James Cameron?





Answer: Aliens


What is the state capital named after a Native American Indian nation of the Great Plains?





Answer: Cheyenne


When Jesus was on trial, who did the crowd want released instead of him?





Answer: Barabbas


What were the names of the temporary harbours erected on the beaches after the beachheads had been secured on D-Day?





Answer: Mulberry

Mulberry Harbours were used on D-Day and beyond to help bring troops and supplies into France. Unfortunately, most were damaged after a violent storm not long after they were constructed in June 1944.


What do the actor who played Batman in the 1960s television series, the stage name of Stuart Leslie Goddard in rock music, film and TV, and the alter ego of He-Man in the Masters of the Universe series of comics, television and movies have in common?





Answer: Adam


"Who ya gonna call?" This line from the theme song of a popular 1984 sci-fi/comedy would ultimately be followed by what answer?

Answer:  (One Word)

Answer: Ghostbusters


What is the state capital located in the Pacific Ocean and the birthplace of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States?

 St. Paul




Answer: Honolulu


How old was Sarah when Abraham was told she was going to have Isaac?





Answer: 90


What was the name given to the first bridge taken by the British paratroopers on D-Day?

 The Bridge on the River Kwai

 Nijmegen Bridge

 Pegasus Bridge


Answer: Pegasus Bridge

Its actual name at the time was Bénouville Bridge, but it was renamed Pegasus Bridge later in 1944.
The first fighting on French soil on D-Day took place at there. Under the command of Major John Howard, the British glider-borne troops landed a few hundred metres from the bridge and took it suffering few casualties and facing little resistance. The first allied soldier killed on D-Day was Lt. Dan Brotheridge who was killed in action while attempting to take the bridge.


What word connects a type of large snake, a movie starring Jennifer Lopez, a song by Nicki Minaj and an American Civil War strategy?





Answer: Anaconda


Starring virtually no one other than Sam Rockwell, what 2009 sci-fi film about a man mining helium-3 was the directorial debut of David Bowie's son, Duncan Jones?





Answer: Moon


Of these, what state capital is the oldest capital city in the United States?


 Santa Fe



Answer: Santa Fe


How many people were on Noah's ark?







How many airborne troops were landed on D-Day?





Answer: 24,000

The airborne landings on D-Day were the largest ever attempted up until that point. Despite managing to land enough airborne troops to make a significant impact on D-Day, thousands were landed in the wrong place and many landed in swamps and rivers resulting in heavy casualties.


This Ontario, Canada city has had its fair share of famous people born there, including Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams and Eric Lindros. What's the city that shares its name with a European capital?Hint





Answer: London


 In what 2012 James Bond film starring Daniel Craig did the spy face off against former M16 agent Raoul Silva?





Answer: Skyfall


What is the state capital located on the Kansas River where the Brown v. Board of Education class action lawsuit was filed?





Answer: Topeka


According to Genesis 1:1, what did God create in the beginning?

 Garden of Eden


 heaven and earth


Answer: heaven and earth


Who was the Supreme Allied Commander of the invasion forces on D-Day?

 Winston Churchill

 General Dwight D. Eisenhower

 General Omar Bradley

 General Maxwell Taylor

Answer: General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Despite having very little experience of combat, Eisenhower was selected as the Supreme Allied Commander on D-Day and Operation Overlord and later became US President.


Fifty years ago, if you looked in a medicine cabinet, you would probably have found something called "Mercurochrome." What was it used for?Hint



 Wart remover

 Topical antiseptic

Answer: Topical antiseptic


Matthew McConaughey jumped through the wormhole known as Gargantua in what 2014 Christopher Nolan movie?





Answer: Interstellar


What is the state capital that shares its name with a mythological bird possessing the ability to be reborn from its own ashes?





Answer: Phoenix


Which of the following people is not related to Jesus?





Answer: Joshua


What time of the day did US troops land at Omaha Beach?





Answer: 0630

The troops on Omaha Beach landed at 0630 hours on D-Day after having endured a long trip in the landing craft.


What edible and life giving thing links a delicious breakfast food with a common portrayal of a clumsy nursery rhyme character?Hint

 A loaf of bread

 Toy soldiers

 A bowl of Cheerios

 An egg

Answer: An egg


Saying the name of this movie out loud would likely designate the end of the game. In what 1995 movie did Robin Williams need to play until he reached the end...despite being sent to a jungle for twenty-six years?

Answer:  (One Word)

Answer: Jumanji


What is the state capital that is the least populous of all state capitals and the largest U.S. producer of maple syrup?

 Salt Lake City



 Des Moines

Answer: Montpelier


Matthew 7:1 " ____ not that ye be not judged."





Answer: Judge


Where did the 82nd Airborne division land on D-Day (or attempt to land)?


 Ste. Mare-Eglise

 Saint Marie du Mont

 Utah Beach

Answer: Ste. Mare-Eglise

The 82nd Airborne landed at Ste. Mare-Eglise on D-Day. The infamous event that occurred at Ste. Mare-Eglise on D-Day was the landing of John Steele on the church tower. He was forced to play dead for hours while the fighting unfolded beneath him. A dummy has been placed on the tower in remembrance of this unfortunate event.


Who, or what, is a chanterelle?Hint

 A female opera singer

 A type of mushroom

 A female jazz singer

 A type of bat

Answer: A type of mushroom


What 1976 film based on Stephen King's first novel starred Sissy Spacek in the title role?





Answer: Carrie


What is the state capital found based at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and nicknamed the "Mile High City"?


 Oklahoma City



Answer: Denver


Where did Elijah challenge the priests of Baal?

 Mount Hermon

 Mount Nebo

 Mount Carmel

 Mount Ararat

Answer: Mount Carmel


 What was the name of the cliff that the Rangers scaled on D-Day and as a result helped to relieve the pressure of the forces landing on Omaha Beach?



 Pointe du Hoc

 St Come du Mont

Answer: Pointe du Hoc

Believing that guns on top of Pointe du Hoc were firing on to the beaches below, the Rangers scaled the cliff face under fire to seize control of the area and prevent any more damage to the troops on the beach from the guns. When the Rangers reached the top, they found that the guns had been moved and had to travel several miles inland to find them.


What do you call the metal band that attaches an eraser to a pencil?Hint





Answer: ferrule