Part of the cell that holds the genetic material.
What is the nucleus?
A medical term used to describe a position that is higher or closer to the top of the body.
What is superior.
The liver is found within this cavity.
The abdominal cavity.
The medical term for "fat cell".
What is adipocyte.
A suffix meaning "cell"
What is "-cyte"
The part of the cell that is characterized by selective permeability.
What is the cell membrane.
A medical term that refers to the front of the body.
What is anterior.
The inferior border of this cavity is formed by the main muscle of respiration.
What is the thoracic cavity.
This fluid-filled sac surrounds and protects the heart.
What is the pericardium.
A combining form meaning "chest"
What is thorac/o.
Type of tissue responsible for supporting and providing structure to other tissues and organs.
What is connective tissue?
A medical term used to describe the side of the body or the body part away from the midline.
What is lateral.
Organs found in this cavity include part of the intestines, the bladder, and the urethra.
What is the pelvic cavity.
The medical term for difficulty breathing.
What is dyspnea.
A combining form meaning "gland"
What is aden/o.
Rod-like structures within a cell that contain genes.
What are chromosomes.
Walking is a movement performed in this body plane.
What is sagittal plane.
The thin fluid filled space between the lungs and the chest wall.
What is the pleural cavity.
The medical term for sweating.
What is diaphoresis.
A suffix meaning "disease"
What is "-pathy"
An organ that is part of the endocrine AND the digestive systems.
What is the pancreas.
This plane divides the body into dorsal and ventral sections.
What is coronal plane.
The space between the lungs.
What is the mediastinum.
This condition is often seen with advanced liver disease and is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal space.
What is ascites.
The suffix "-malacia" means softening. This term means softening of the brain.
What is encephalomalacia.