Character & Perspective
Synonyms & Antonyms
Elements of Poetry

Devin was excited to go on a family camping trip. They packed their tent, sleeping bags and food. When they arrived, they set up the tent and built a campfire. They roasted hot dogs and marshmallows over the fire. They sang songs together. Devin loved spending time in the great outdoors with his family. 

What is a character trait that best describes Devin?
A. Adventurous
B. Disorganized
C. Shy
D. Unhelpful

A. Adventurous


The class was so rambunctious that I could hardly think!

Which word means the same as "rambunctious?"

A. crowded

B. rowdy

C. silent

B. rowdy


"You got the answer wrong.  Please go back and reread the story."  

Which word means almost the same as "reread?"

A. To write your answer again

B. To read for the first time

C. To read again

C. To read again


How many stanzas are in this poem?

Ice cream is my favorite treat

There's so many flavors of this sugary treat

On a super hot day, it tastes just right

It's as cold as ice when I take a bite

2 stanzas


Why do authors use text features in their writing?

A. To help readers better understand information

B. To fill up space on pages 

C. Increase the amount of letter and words per page

D. Provide an outline for the passage

A. To help readers better understand information


Alex loved spending time at the beach. He would build sand castles, collect seashells, and swim in the ocean. One day Alex found a starfish stranded on the sand. He knew that starfish needed to be in the water, so he gently picked it up and carried it to the ocean.

What is a character trait that best describes Alex?
A. Caring
B. Reckless
C. Indifferent
D. Lazy

A. Caring


Mrs. Stockstill is very organized!  She has every topic divided into folders and in ABC order to make it easier to find.  

What word is similar to "organized?"

A. Neat

B. Sloppy

C. Disorganized  

A. Neat


To be happy to complete a task in a certain way.  

A. Sweetly

B. Finally

C. Gladly

C. Gladly


Ice cream is my favorite treat

There's so many flavors of this sugary treat

On a super hot day, it tastes just right

It's as cold as ice when I take a bite

How many lines are in each stanza?

2 lines per stanza

(A total of 4 lines )


What is first person point of view? 

A. Character in the story is telling the story. Pronouns used are "I, my, me, we" 

B. No one tells the story 

C. All of the characters in the story take turns

D. Someone from a different story tells the story

A. Character in the story is telling the story. Pronouns used are "I, my, me, we"


"Even though she was sick and tired herself, Grandma spent the whole day reading to her granddaughter, wiping her forehead, and preparing chicken soup because her granddaughter was ill." 

Choose the best character trait for Grandma:

A. Selfish 

B. Selfless   

C.  Silly

B. Selfless


I am certain that Kayla's birthday is tomorrow.

Which word means the same as "certain?"

A. comfortable

B. happy

C. scared

D. sure

D. sure


Mrs. Witherspoon reread the story because she didn’t understand. What does reread mean?

A. She read the story again

B. She stopped reading the story

C. She talked about the story with the class.

A. She read the story again.


Ice cream is my favorite treat

There's so many flavors of this sugary treat

On a super hot day, it tastes just right

It's as cold as ice when I take a bite

Why does the poet use a  rhyme scheme in this poem?

A.  to make the poem easier to understand

B. to make the poem more fun to read

C. to explain why ice cream is cold and sugary

B. to make the poem more fun to read



Crocodiles are large reptiles which live in warm areas of Africa, Asia, North and South America, and Australia. They need to live in tropical places because they are cold-blooded and can’t make their own heat. Crocodiles are carnivores. This means that they only eat meat. Crocodiles mostly eat fish, birds, and frogs, but they will eat just about any kind of animal.

What does the use of bold text show?

A. which words should stand out as important

B. which words the reader might not know

C. which words start a new part of a sentence

D. which words have to do with crocodiles

A. which words should stand out as important

(D. which words have to do with crocodiles is incorrect because all of the words even the ones that are not in bold have to do with crocodiles)


"Steven told his mother that he did not know who ate all the cookies, while he hid, with the last two behind his back."

Choose the best character trait for Steven.

A. Brave

B. Scary

C. Dishonest

C. Dishonest


Read the sentences: She spoke softly to the puppy, making sure not to startle it. Her gentle touch made it feel safe.

Which word means the same as softly as it is used above?
A. loudly
B. harshly
C. quietly
D. quickly

C. quietly


I need to redo my homework because I made several mistakes.

What is the meaning of "redo" as it is used above?
A. correct before finishing
B. start over again
C. do the best part
D. make fewer mistakes

B. start over again


Ice cream is my favorite treat.
There’s so many flavors of this sugary sweet.

On a super hot day, it tastes just right.
It’s as cold as ice when I take a bite.

Chocolate, rocky road, and cookies and cream,
these three flavors make a great team!

It really doesn’t matter what flavor I choose,
Taste any flavor, and you just can’t lose.

They’re all so delicious I know you’ll agree,
and if you don’t, you can give yours to me!

Ice cream is my favorite treat.
There’s so many flavors of this sugary sweet!

What type of figurative language is this sentence? "It's as cold as ice when I take a bite."



She brush her hair every morning before school.

What change should be made in the sentence?
A. Change brush to brushs.
B. Change brush to brushes.
C. Change hair to hairs.
D. Change morning to mornings.

B. Change brush to brushes.


In the small town of Willow Creek, two friends, Ethan and Maya, had known each other since childhood. Ethan was a practical joker, always making fun of Maya’s love for painting, calling it “just a hobby.” He often teased her, believing she needed to focus on more serious things like academics.

One sunny afternoon, Maya invited Ethan to her art show at the local community center. Hesitant, he agreed, expecting it to be a boring event. When he arrived, he was taken aback by the vibrant colors and emotions in her paintings. Each piece told a story, reflecting Maya’s experiences and feelings.

As he walked around, Ethan overheard people praising her work and saw how passionate she was about her art. He began to realize that painting was not just a hobby for Maya; it was her way of expressing herself and connecting with others.

By the end of the evening, Ethan was filled with admiration for his friend. He approached Maya, a sincere smile on his face. “I didn’t know you had such talent. Your paintings are amazing! I’m really proud of you,” he said, genuinely appreciating her passion.

How do Ethan’s feelings about Maya change from the beginning of the story to the end?
A. He begins to ignore her.
B. He realizes her talent and feels proud.
C. He becomes more critical of her art.
D. He wants to become an artist himself.

B: He realizes her talent and feels proud.


Read the sentence: The wind howled through the trees, creating a haunting sound.

Which word means the opposite of howled as it is used above?
A. whispered
B. shouted
C. roared
D. sang

A. whispered


Poem Excerpt: The river flows steadily on its way, carrying whispers of the day.

What is the meaning of "steadily" as it is used in the poem?
A. with effort
B. with confidence
C. without stopping
D. without excitement

C. without stopping


Poem Excerpt:

The rain taps lightly on the glass,
A quiet beat, a steady pass.

It dances down in rhythmic flow,
As puddles form and rivers grow.

Poem Excerpt: The rain taps lightly on the glass,
A quiet beat, a steady pass.
It dances down in rhythmic flow,
As puddles form and rivers grow.

Why did the poet write the poem in stanzas?
A. to make the poem longer
B. to compare the rain to music
C. to show the mood of the rain
D. to make a rhyme pattern

D. to make a rhyme pattern


Tommy (been) very excited about his upcoming birthday party.

Select the word or words that should replace been in this sentence.
A. be
B. being
C. has been
D. have been

C. has been