Steps Toward Independence
Healthy Behaviour Change
Stress Management
Just for Fun - Music

What was the game that we played in this class? Hint, it was a game focused on "building" patience, concentration, and resilience. 



What was the activity that we engaged in during the Action Stage for this class? Hint, it ended up with a sunflower. 

Bonus points if you can explain why we did this and how it relates to the Stages of Change. 

We built a Lego sunflower. We did this because it was meant to highlight the similarity to the "Action" stage of change -- when we are ready to take small steps towards meaningful change in our lives. 


What was the experiment that we did in this class focused on? 

Cell phones OR cell phones and addiction OR technology use and addiction


What was the activity that we started this class with related to? Mind_________


Who is considered the world's number one, top-selling recording artist right now? 

Taylor Swift


What was the Netflix series that we watched in this class called? 

Bonus points if you can name one or both of the episodes.

The Mind, Explained

Bonus: How to Focus OR The Teenage Brain


Things that are deeply important to us are called v_______. When we tune into what is important to us, our v_______, they can help us make the changes we want to make in our lives. 

Values. An example of a value is "education/learning," "work/career," "family," or "friends." 


Addiction is only about drugs and alcohol. True or false?

False -- addiction can include many behaviours like gambling, video games, shopping, etc.


What did you take away from the "pushing away the paper" demonstration? 

Many answers are acceptable, but the "pushing away the paper" demonstration was focused on showing us how we struggle with difficult thoughts and emotions, and how this can be effortful and therefore stressful. 


Who recently released a song called TEXAS HOLD 'EM, along with an experimental country album? 



What was the animal that they showed in the video about focusing?

A gorilla (well, a person in a gorilla suit, but no less)


This Stage of Change is focused on falling down and getting back up again. An example of this stage of change is when someone who quit drinking alcohol starts to drink again. What is this important Stage of Change called?



________ reduction is the practice of reducing _____ by practicing non-judgement towards people who use drugs and by implementing safer ways to use drugs in the community (e.g. clean needles; free water at festivals and concerts).



Stress has been shown to have negative health impacts. But, when we attempt to push away our thoughts and emotions, it is also __________? 



Please name the artist who sings the following song. 

Bonus points if you can name the song title. 

Artist: Billie Eilish

Song: bad guy

Fun observation: Billie Eilish started capitalizing the songs on her most recent album, Happier Than Ever, when she used mostly lowercase in other song titles (e.g. bad guy, ocean eyes). I think she does this to symbolize her maturity and growth. 


What was the main point that the video made about focusing? Humans distract themselves because _____________________. 

Humans distract themselves for many reasons, but the video's main point was that we distract ourselves because we are uncomfortable with certain thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations. We distract ourselves ultimately because we are uncomfortable. 


When making a plan for change, it is less important to focus on our thoughts and emotions, and more important to focus on our __________. When we change our __________, it can affect our thoughts and emotions anyways. 

Behaviours. For example, when we follow through on a behaviour to start smoking only twice a week, this may indirectly change our thoughts about ourselves -- we may start to think we are more capable, we may experience emotions like happiness or fulfillment, and this may lead to even further behaviour change (e.g. cutting smoking down to once a week). 


Gabor Mate suggests that addiction is related to our lives, not necessarily related to our genetics. He shared that everyone he worked with who has experienced addiction has also experienced ____________. Although, some of us who experience _________ may not necessarily develop an addiction. 


Please provide an example of emotional numbing, in other words, something that we might engage in to numb difficult emotions? 

Many answers acceptable. Examples: drinking, drug use, sleeping, eating, even reading! (<---I do this)

Interesting fact: Research shows that we cannot selectively numb negative emotions. This means that, usually, when we attempt to numb negative emotions, we also unintentionally numb the positive ones, too. 

___ _______ are considered one of the most influential bands in history (although this is debated now). The band includes Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. 

The Beatles


In the video about The Teenage Brain, we learned that teens typically experience a higher spike of what neurotransmitter (brain chemical) when engaging in risky behaviour? 

Teens experience a higher spike of dopamine when engaging in risky behaviour. We learned that this higher spike is meant to increase the likelihood that teens will engage in behaviour, like romantic relationships, that help teens grow into adults. 


Are the stages of change linear (meaning they go in a straight line from start to finish) or are they non-linear (meaning you can start at any stage of change without starting at Stage 1)? 

The stages of change are non-linear. You may jump in at Stage 4 -- the Action Stage, without doing much thinking or planning about how you want to change. 


How does Gabor Mate define addiction? 

He suggests that addiction can be manifested in any behaviour that provides short-term relief and long-term consequences.


Instead of always pushing difficult emotions and thoughts away, certain mental health therapies focused on mindfulness and acceptance, suggest that we could practice what?

Acknowledging and making space for difficult thoughts and emotions. (This is an effortful practice that takes time.)


Please fill in the lyrics to finish the song: I've heard there was a secret chord that David played, and it pleased the Lord, but ___ ____ ______ ____ ___ _____, do you? 

**Must get all six words right to earn the points

you don't really care for music