Southern Flow was started this year.
What is 1994
This instrument is commonly used in aeration basin to determine air flow requirements
What is Dissolved Oxygen
This is the abbreviation for PLC
What is Programmable Logic Controller
This person famously fixed a CIA Surveillance aircraft with a hacksaw
Who is Charlie
This city was the first customer of Southern Flow and is still a customer today.
What is Winder, GA
This electronic device allows current to flow only one direction
What is a diode
This language is commonly used to write the software in a PLC
what is ladder logic
This person required a "thinking staff" to work
Who is Chase
This is the measurement of the power of an RF signal
What is a Decibel
This person stole a laptop from their neighbor and bragged about it to the whole company
Who is Mason
The MODICON PLC derives it's name from this phrase
What is Modular Digital Controller
This person was "working toward completing their objectives"
Who is Syed