Disciple of Christ who wrote gospel targeting Jews.
How many books in the New Testament?
Event that the Bible starts with.
Creation of the universe
Which 3 continents was Bible written on?
Asia, Europe, Africa
Who is the patriarch of all Jews?
How many verses in Psalm 119 (118)?
Which event God used to convince Moses to go talk to the pharaoh?
Burning bush/plant
Languages that were used to write the Bible
Joshua son of Nun
How many chapters in Genesis
Period between Old and New Testament.
Period of silence
Who wrote the most books of the Bible?
Moses (5 books, 1 psalm)
Who first translated Bible to German
Martin Luther (not Martin Luther king)
How many years Jews were in Babylon exile?
Event that convinced apostle Peter that gift of salvation is not only for the Jews.
When was the first Bible printed?
Two people who led reconstruction of Jerusalem city and walls.
Ezra and Nehemiah
How many epistles did Paul wrote?
In the city of Ephesus what people were doing in large after believing in Christ?
Burning their magic books.
The Bible was written along these 6 kingdoms (empires):
Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman