What role did George Washington have before he was president?
What is - a general in the Revolutionary War
What does PRECEDENT mean?
What is
a decision that sets an example to follow
Alexander Hamilton supported TARIFFS as a way the new government could raise money $ to pay down the NATIONAL DEBT.
What is a TARIFF?
what is
A tax on imported goods
With what Party did John Adams align?
What is
the Federalist Party
The Sedition Act involved the words slander and libel.
What does libel mean?
What is
a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation
What number president was George Washington AND how many terms did he serve?
What is the FIRST president?
What is 2 terms?
Thomas Jefferson was the Secretary of State and Alexander Hamilton was the Secretary of the treasury in Washington's "Cabinet".
What does CABINET mean?
What is
A group of advisers to the president.
George Washigton's FOREIGN POLICY was to remain neutral.
What does FOREIGN POLICY mean?
What is
A nation's overall plan for dealing with other nations
With what country did John Adams side?
What is
What is another name for "alien"? And
Why did the Federalists want to deport the "aliens" under the Alien Act?
What is
What is
Immigrants usually voted for Democratic-Republicans
George Washington was so well loved by the people in America and they wanted him to continue to be their president.
Why didn't Washington pursue a 3rd term?
What is... Washington did NOT want to resemble a king which is what they fought against in the American Revolution.
What does INAUGURATION mean?
What is
A ceremony in which the president takes the oath of office
What is
Plans for dealing with national problems here at home in the US
What did John Adams do when the French were taking over the US ships? AND
What was the French's response?
What is
He sent representatives to France to tell them to stop.
They wanted money (bribe)
What are the Alien and Sedition Acts?
Why were they passed?
What is
The Alien and Sedition Acts were passed by the Federalist Party to stop the Democratic-Republicans from gaining power.
These laws made it harder for immigrants to become citizens, allowed the president to deport immigrants, and made it illegal to criticize the government.
What was George Washington's Foreign Policy?
What is the Neutrality Act?
- America should stay NEUTRAL- not make alliances or enemies
-foreign relationships should focus on trade
What does FACTIONS mean?
What is
Political groups that have opposing ideas
What was the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794?
Farmers in Pennsylvania rebelled against Hamilton's tax on whiskey,
several federal officers were killed in the riots caused by their attempts to serve arrest warrants
led by Washington, the army put down the rebellion.
True or False: The Federalist Party was unhappy with Adam's decision to not attack France.
What is
What Amendment did the Democratic-Republicans say the Sedition Act violated?
What is
the First Amendement - Freedom of Speech; Freedom of the Press
In George Washington's Farewll Address, what 2 things did he warn about?
What is... 1. do not for alliances with foreign countries; stay neutral to be able to continue to trade
2. avoid a two-party government because it creates opposition
What does NATIONAL DEBT mean?
What is
the total amount of money that a country's government has borrowed
Why was the Whiskey Rebellion important?
What is
The incident showed that the new government under the Constitution could react swiftly and effectively to such a problem, in contrast to the inability of the government under the Articles of Confederation to deal with Shay's Rebellion.
Why was the XYZ Affair called "XYZ"?
What is
when American diplomats reported back on their negotiations with French officials, they replaced the names of the French agents with the letters "X", "Y", and "Z" in their coded messages
How long does an "alien" have to be in the US in order to become a citizen?
What is
14 years