Flocks of these animals migrate north when the weather warms.
What are birds?
This is a term for two straight lines that will never cross.
What is parallel?
When people first fall in love, they feel like they are on this cloud.
What is cloud nine?
She was Walt Disney’s favorite princess.
Who is Cinderella?
These are installed in homes to alert owners to fire.
What are smoke alarms?
March Madness refers to this sport.
What is (NCAA) college basketball?
You might run across this animal at night in its natural habitat, a dam it builds across a creek.
What is a beaver?
Another term for meridians is lines of this.
What are (lines of) longitude?
This is where Batman fought crime.
What is Gotham City?
He painted the Mona Lisa.
Who is Leonardo da Vinci?
In 1973, the first communication from this device was completed.
What is cell phone?
March 1 begins this meteorological season.
What is spring?
When you visit Great Smoky Mountains National Park, you will be warned not to feed these large carnivores.
What are bears?
These imaginary lines run east and west from top to bottom across the globe.
What are (lines of) latitude?
This is the fictional palace of King Arthur.
What is Camelot?
If you visit this U.S. state, you are likely to encounter a pupu platter.
What is Hawaii?
In the 1970s, McDonald’s introduced this jolly menu item that is still going strong today.
What is the Happy Meal?
The first day of Lent is also known as this.
What is Ash Wednesday?
These nocturnal birds are known for their sharp vision, silent flight and distinctive calls.
What are owls?
The Mason-Dixon Line is a figurative line that separates this.
What is North and South (in the United States)?
This fictional perfect place is located high in the Tibetan mountains and is one of the settings in James Hilton’s Lost Horizons.
What is Shangri-La?
This country on the Iberian Peninsula allows some workers to take a nap during the workday.
What is Spain?
In 1979, Sony released this device for playing cassette tapes.
What is the Walkman?
This public holiday is celebrated on March 17 in the United States, particularly so in Boston and New York City.
What is St. Patrick Day?
This is the largest species of feline in the world.
What are tigers?
This is another name for an oblique line.
What is slanting or diagonal?
He comes from Ork.
Who is Mork?
In the early 1970s, he was a weatherman in Nashville, Tennessee, before he became the longest-running host of a single TV game show.
Who is Pat Sajak?
This was the first kind of computer disc.
What is floppy?
In the northern hemisphere, March is the best spring month to view these magnificent light displays in the sky.
What are the northern lights (or aurora borealis)?
One in two million lobsters is this color.
What is blue?
Some say these theoretical straight lines connect sacred places, such as Stonehenge and the Giza Pyramids.
What are ley lines?
This mythological Norse location is the palace home of fallen warriors.
What is Valhalla?
This bird’s eggs are bigger than its brain.
What is an Ostrich?
This was the first video arcade game, introduced in 1974.
What is Pong?
Though this part of the country is known for its rain, April showers come a month early to this part of the country.
What is the Pacific Northwest?