This movie franchise features a character named Luke Skywalker
What is "Star Wars"?
What state is the Hollwood walk of fame in
What is California
Which band sings the famous song "We Will Rock You" (1997)
Who is "Queen"
This superhero is known as the "Dark Knight"
Who is Batman?
In the Pirates of the Caribbean series, what is the name of Johnny Depp's character?
Who is Captain Jack Sparrow
He is a famous spy known as 007
Who is James Bond?
The walking mouse who owns a dog
Who is Mickey Mouse
"My Heart Will Go On" is the title song from what 1997 blockbuster movie?
What is "Titanic"
This actor is well known for playing mobsters, especially Michael Corleone in The Godfather films
Tom Kenny voices what popular TV cartoon character?
Who is "Spongebob Squarepants"
What is the name of Julie Andrews 1962 musical movie?
What is "The Sound of Music"