"The Graduation of Jake Moon"
"The Graduation of Jake Moon" & "Aaron's Gift" and "Water"
"Aaron's Gift" and "Water"
"Aaron's Gift" and "Water" & "The Outsiders"
"The Outsiders" & "Nothing Gold Can Stay"

How does the author present a humorous and sad tone?

Humorous tone  - Through comic relief 

Sad tone - Skelly’s disease progresses.


What are some examples of comic relief in the book?

 Alma honking Jake's nose, I see London, I see France, zipper your brisket, roll under armpit and finger in mashed potatoes, “Cold Beer!” “Right Here!”


Which character faces a problem with himself or herself in water?

Helen can't communicate


Why did Aaron call Carl and the gang cossacks?

The gang was about to kill Pidge just like how the cossacks harmed inocent people


What does Dally's Jacket, Southern Gentleman, Greaser's hair, Blue mustang, Sunset, and Bob’s Rings symbolize?

Dally's Jacket - protection

Southern Gentleman - gallant

Greaser's Hair - pride/rep

Blue Mustang - fear

Sunset - unity

Bob's Rings - power/weapon


Give an example of onomatopoeia.

"Honk Honk" and "Swish,Swish, Swish"


How does the cab driver know where to take skelly?

Skelly's ID necklace


How is freedom a theme in both selections?

In Aaron's gift Aaron frees Pidge 

In water Helen is freed from a loss of communication.


What word would you use to describe Aaron's grandma's  feelings about her experience in Ukraine?

Sorrow because she witnessed her beloved goat die and her house being torn to pieces.


What is the rhyme Scheme of "Nothing Gold Can Say"?



Why does the author include Thorbert Piddler in the text?

To show how Skelly cares for people, treats people, and how he boosts people's confidence.


Which character faces a problem with other characters in Aaron's Gift?

Aaron faces a problem with the gang


What does this word mean based on your knowledge of the story: Anne was tussling with Helen. 

struggling, arguing


What famous line in the novel shows that it is a flashback?

 When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home.


What is the metaphor in "Nothing Gold Can Stay"?

Natures first green is gold.


Example of an external conflict?

Jake vs. Mavis, Vanna vs. Lana, Jake vs. James


Which character faces a problem with another character in water?

Anne faces a problem with Helen


How is "We are all strangers in the land of Egypt" an allusion?

it references the bible


What is the climax of the novel?

After reading Johnny's letter, Ponyboy accepts his death and wants to rise above gang violence.


How does "Nothing Gold Can Stay" relate to Johnny’s final message to Pony?

Johnny was telling Pony to stay innocent, never change,  and appreciate the little things.


What are some themes of the novel?

Family sticks together, "Keep the Faith", don't take anyone for granted


Which character faces a problem with himself or herself in Aaron's gift?

Aaron faces a problem with fitting in and Aaron's grandma vs. her grief


How is "We are all strangers in the land of Egypt" a metaphor?

Aaron's mom compares her family to the Israelites. Aaron's family was new to New York just like the Israelites to Egypt.


Johnny killing Bob, Pony and Johnny going to Windrixville, the church lighting on fire, Dally dies, Johnny dies, are all examples of...

Rising Action


What is the alliteration and allusion in "Nothing Gold Can Stay"?

Alliteration - Her hardest Hue to Hold

Allusion - Eden