DC, D.C., and AC DC
Alphabetical Order
Famous Date Reversals

Before Marvel became its own company this is one of the five film companies that produced movies of Marvel Characters

What is Universal, New Line Cinema, 20th Century Fox, Columbia Pictures, or Artisan Entertainment


The Names Riff Raff, Starro, and Cruz are the names of a DC comics supervillain, the last name of the senator of Texas, and a song by AC DC

What is Starro, Cruz, & Riff Raff


Potato, Tortilla, and Corn are three types of this crunchy snack

What are Chips


Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander were the first of these types of Pokémon

What are Starter Pokémon


On 6/6, the reverse of D-Day, this famous ship set sail in Belfast Ireland only to later hit an iceberg and sink 

What is the Titanic


This Marvel Superhero is often referred to as Logan despite his real name being James Howlett

Who is Wolverine


The Names D.T. Terry McGinnis, and Tulsi Gabbard is the name for a teen who becomes Batman int he show Batman Beyond, The name of a 1986 AC DC song, and Trump's pick for director of national intelligence.

Who is Terry McGinnis, Tulsi Gabbard, and D.T. 


These are two animal's full name which is spelt in alphabetical order

 What is a ant, bee, cow, deer, eel, emu, or fox (Accept any other animal that fits category)


This color star is often associated with communism, with the 5 points of the star as symbol of the ultimate triumph of the ideas of communism on the five continents.

What is the red star


On 11/9 not 9/11 this major event in History occurred East Germany soon after dissolved and Germany unified

What is the Berlin Wall falling


This movie which was produced in 2008 is said to be the first movie in the MCU

What is Iron Man


The Names Nightwing, Night Prowler, and Ben Nighthorse Campbell, are names of a DC comics Character, a prior senator of Colorado, and an AC DC Song

What is Nightwing, Ben Nighthorse Cambell, and Night Prowler


These are the three conjunctions which are in alphabetical order

What is for, or, and nor


Sir Richard Starkey is an English musician who achieved international fame as a drummer and this is his stage name

What is Ringo Starr


On 5/11, the reverse of this years election day, 330 AD Constantinople was the named the new capital of this empire by Emperor Constantine the Great 

What is the Roman Empire


These are three of the four Marvel Superhero Groups

Who are the Avengers, X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, or Fantastic Four


The Names Jack Ryder, The Jack, and Jack Reed are a name of the DC character the creepers alter ego, the current senator of Rhode Island, and an AC DC rock song

Who is Jack Ryder, Jack Reed, and The Jack


This is a small flowerless green plant that lacks true roots, growing in damp habitats and reproducing by means of spores released from stalked capsules.

What is moss


this is a cooked mixture made of eggs and milk or cream and usually having a thick, creamy consistency and is commonly flavored vanilla, lemon, or caramel.

What is Custard


On 1/2, the reverse of 2/1 which was the day the 13th Amendment was adopted abolishing slavery, in the year 1788 this southern state became the fourth state to ratify the U.S. Constitution

What is Georgia


This was the first ever Marvel Comic to be made into a movie and the only one to be made for over a decade and was co-produced by George Lucas

What is Howard the Duck


The Names Brian Johnson, Brian Bilbray, and Brian Durlan are the names of a vigilante commonly called Savant in Birds of Prey, a prior California house representative, and a member of the Band AC DC

What is Brian Durlan, Brian Bilbray, & Brian Johnson


This is is a medical procedure that involves removing tissue or cells from the body for examination by a doctor 

What is a biopsy


This is what people who believe they lived previously on another planet or dimension and had either been reincarnated on earth or walked into an existing human body.

What are starseeds


In 1948 this UN Agency formed on 4/7 the reverse of independence day 

What is the World Health Organization