Jean Piaget studied mostly this demographic of person
What is Children
Carl Rogers is associated most with this psychological approach
What is Humanistic Psychology
This psychological approach focuses on observable behaviors.
What is Behaviorism
There are this many stages of childhood development
What is 4
This form of Humanistic Therapy emphasizes a close relationship between the therapist and client and focuses on creating a nurturing environment for the patient to explore their own thoughts and emotions
What is Person-Centered Therapy
This term describes the process of learning through rewards and punishments
What is Operant conditioning
This stage takes place between the ages of 2 and 7. Children are able to understand that symbols can represent meaning but have a hard time telling the difference between fantasy and reality and often have wild imaginations.
What is Preoperational Stage
Sue is driving her mother's car when she hits a curb and scratches the paint on the side. When Sue gets home, she expects her mother to scold her, but instead her mother says "Accidents happen. Are you okay?"
What is Unconditional Positive Regard
Jerome is driving without his seatbelt. His car makes an annoying beeping sound. However when he puts his seatbelt on, the beeping goes away. This is an example of ______
What is Negative Reinforcement