What weather does the Caribbean have?
What is tropical and warm weather with hurricanes as storms.
Their mountains and volcanoes are all in the what?
What is Ring of Fire
What word is barbecue derived from
What is barbacoa
Name one Caribbean tribe
Who are the Achugua, Bari, Caratana, Coconoco,Kogui, Oregon, Resigano,Tiwanaku,Wiwa, Ameriana, Bora, Catio, Cofan, Inca, Carijono, Yu-Cuna, Kuna, Muellama, Secoya, Aymana, Totono, Curripaco, Tunabo, Witoto, Maipure, Chibcha, Paez, Guambano, Arhuaco, Tariano, Tsafiki, Muinane, Cabiyari, Yagua, Piapoco, Cayapa, Awa, Telembi, Camsa, and and so many more.
Name one Caribbean tribe
who are Arawak, Bogota, Boruca, Bribri, Buglere, Cabecar, Carib, the Caquetio, Changuena, Corobici, Cueva, Cuna, Dorasque, Garifuna, Guajiro, Guaymi, Huetar, plus the Inyeri, Island Carib, Maleku, Miskito, Paraujano, Pech, Rama, Shebayo, Taino, Teribe, and lastly the Voto tribe.
How many seasons does the Caribbean have?
What is 2. Wet season and dry season.
What is the Andeans climate like?
What is tropical and warm
How many active volcanoes does the Caribbean have
What is nineteen
Name two Caribbean tribes
Who are the Achugua, Bari, Caratana, Coconoco, Kogui, Oregon, Resigano,Tiwanaku,Wiwa, Ameriana, Bora, Catio, Cofan, Inca, Carijono, Yu-Cuna, Kuna, Muellama, Secoya, Aymana, Totono, Curripaco, Tunabo, Witoto, Maipure, Chibcha, Paez, Guambano, Arhuaco, Tariano, Tsafiki, Muinane, Cabiyari, Yagua, Piapoco, Cayapa, Awa, Telembi, Camsa, and and so many more.
Name two Caribbean tribes
Who are the Arawak, Bogota, Boruca, Bribri, Buglere, Cabecar, Carib, as well as the Caquetio, Changuena, Corobici, Cueva, Cuna, Dorasque, Garifuna, Guajiro, Guaymi, Huetar, plus the Inyeri, Island Carib, Maleku, Miskito, Paraujano, Pech, Rama, Shebayo, Taino, Teribe, and lastly the Voto tribe.
What animal did the Caribbeans use for transportation?
What is alpacas/lamas.
Did the Andeans have a written language, if so what is it
What is No
How many islands do the Caribbean have
What is over seven thousand
Name three Caribbean tribes
Who are The Achugua, Bari, Caratana, Coconoco,Kogui, Oregon, Resigano,Tiwanaku,Wiwa, Ameriana, Bora, Catio, Cofan, Inca, Carijono, Yu-Cuna, Kuna, Muellama, Secoya, Aymana, Totono, Curripaco, Tunabo, Witoto, Maipure, Chibcha, Paez, Guambano, Arhuaco, Tariano, Tsafiki, Muinane, Cabiyari, Yagua, Piapoco, Cayapa, Awa, Telembi, Camsa, and and so many more.
Name three Caribbean tribes
Who are the Arawak, Bogota, Boruca, Bribri, Buglere, Cabecar, Carib, as well as the Caquetio, Changuena, Corobici, Cueva, Cuna, Dorasque, Garifuna, Guajiro, Guaymi, Huetar, plus the Inyeri, Island Carib, Maleku, Miskito, Paraujano, Pech, Rama, Shebayo, Taino, Teribe, and lastly the Voto tribe.
What is one food the Caribbeans traded?
What is cassava, garlic, potatoes, chili's, guava, beans, peanuts, mamey, and cotton.
Where did Andean weavers get there techniques from
What is the pre Hispanic era
Name a country in the Andes
What is Peru,Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, Columbia,and Venezuela
Which tribe is very interested in the arts?
Who are the Moche
What tribe did Christopher Columbus first discover
Who are the Lucayans
What do unmarried women wear?
What is a shell headband
Give me an example of what could be on a ancient Andean spindle
What is an animal or a symbol
What lake was vital to the Tiwanka and x people
ps- bonus points if you can tell what tribe x is
Answer-what is lake Titanica Bonus point- Incas
Which Andean tribe had a main leader named Cuzka
Who are the Incas
What country did the native people belong to that invented Cayennes
What is French Guiana