Ms Po said to 6A, "Please finish your homework."
Ms Po ____ 6A to finish their homework.
told / asked
Ms Lee ___ 6B not to run in the English room.
Ms Mak said to the girl in 3C, "Please wait for me here."
Ms Mak ___ the girl in 3C to wait for her there.
told / asked
Ms Lee said to 6B, "Please remember to bring your iPads."
Ms Lee told 6B to remember to bring ____ iPads.
Ms Mak said to 6C, "Please put your shoes in the cubbies."
Ms Mak told 6C to put ___ shoes in the cubbies.
Ms Wong said to Bobby, "Please wait for me outside."
Ms Wong told Bobby to wait for __ outside.
Ms Mak said to 6C, "Please pay attention in class."
Ms Mak told 6C _____ attention in class.
to pay
Ms Wong said to 6D, "Please don't smuggle food into the English room.
Ms Wong told 6D ______ food into the English room.
not to smuggle
Ms Sin said to Uncle Luke, "Please don't run."
Ms Sin told Uncle Luke _______.
not to run
Ms Wong said to 6D, "Please don't be too lazy."
Complete the sentence using reported speech.
Ms Wong told ______________________.
Ms Wong told 6D not to be too naughty.
Ms Sin instructed 6E, "Don't play hide-and-seek in the English room."
Complete the sentence using reported speech.
Ms Sin told 6E ______________.
not to play hide-and-seek in the English room.
Ms Po said to Class 6A, "Please line up here."
Complete the sentence using reported speech.
Ms Po told Class 6A _________
to line up there.
Ms Sin said to 6E, "Please be kind to your fellow schoolmates."
Rewrite the dialogue in reported speech.
Ms Sin told /asked 6E to be kind to their fellow schoolmates.
Ms Po said to 6A, "Let's enjoy our time here."
Rewrite the dialogue in reported speech.
Ms Po told/asked 6A to enjoy their time there.
Ms Lee said to Mickey, "Bring me your homework and wait for me here."
Rewrite the dialogue in reported speech.
Ms Lee told Mickey to bring her his homework and wait for her there.