Brain Biology
Scientific Methods
Developmental Biology
Sensation / Perception
Social Psychology
Motivation / Emotion / Personality
Clinical Psychology

Jordan learns a trick to solve one particular type of math problem. He then uses the same trick to solve other types of math problems, even though it does not work and he keeps getting the wrong answer. Jordan’s use of the trick is an example of which cognition term

What is Mental Set?


Lucid dreaming occurs when people

What is "have dreams in which they are aware that they are dreaming"


Finish the line: Correlation does not always equal _________

What is Causation?

Infant Sydney starts to cry and frantically look around the room when their parent puts their favorite stuffie under a blanket. Sydney shows a lack of which developmental concept?

What is Object Permenance?


After each bar press, a laboratory rat receives electric stimulation to its brain. The rate of bar pressing increases. This is an example of what kind of learning?

What is Positive Reinforcment?


This term describes the point where a faint stimulus can be noticed at it's smallest detectable level.

What is Absolute Threshold?


The tendency to attribute causes of others' behavior to their personality rather than the situation

What is Fundamental Attribution Error


Savitri became a writer because she thinks she can make a lot of money off of it, what kind of motivation is she exhibiting?

What is Extrinsic Motivation?


Annie experiences disorganized thinking and communicates with people who do not exist

What is Schizophrenia?


Achariya is lost. She quickly scans the crowd and decides to ask an elderly woman for directions because she believes the woman will be kind. Which method of problem solving did Achariya most likely use?

What is Representative Heuristic?


Beth received a hemispherectomy to treat a seizure disorder when she was two years old. However, by the time she was five years old, her cognitive abilities were the same as those of a neurotypical five year old. Which term describes her brain being to compensate for this loss?

What is Neuroplasticity?


In a recent report, a developmental psychologist who studied peer pressure in middle schools obtained data from a large, representative sample of adolescents across the United States. This research most likely involved this type of research method?

What is a Survey?


Which parenting style is most closely associated with the development of self-reliance and confidence in children?

What is Authoritative Parenting?


Ivan Pavolov demonstrated what type of learning when he trained a dog to salivate on cue by ringing a bell?

What is Classical Conditioning


When you have two objects that are the same size, this Monocular Depth Cue states that the object that looks to be bigger is the one closest to you

What is Relative Size?


Carrington is more likely to help a stranger on a bus when there are only a few people on the bus versus when the bus is crowded.

What is the Bystander Effect?


A Trait Personality Psychologist would most likely believe in which side of the Nature vs Nurture debate?

What is Nature?


Belinda exhibits diminished pleasure in her daily activities, significant weight loss, insomnia, fatigue, and feelings of excessive guilt. Belinda’s problems are most consistent with which of the following disorders?

What is Major Depressive Disordeer?


JonJon has a scary movie marathon with his boyfriend late at night. After the two go to bed, JonJon hears a crash in the middle of the night and automatically thinks it's a masked killer. This describes which problem solving concept?

What is Avalability Heuristic? 


A person with a severe head injury subsequently acts irresponsibly, does not seem to be able to plan effectively, and is easy to anger. Their friends comment on this drastic personality switch. Which of the following brain areas is most likely injured?

What is Frontal Lobe?


A test author most interested in ensuring that individuals receive similar scores on a personality test every time they take it is attempting to increase which aspect of the experiment?

What is Reliability?


Zeke is attempting to learn more about his world. When he encounters a new object, he picks it up and puts it in his mouth. Zeke is most likely in which of Jean Piaget’s stages of cognitive development?

What is the Sensorimotor Stage?


A dog stops salivating to the sound of a bell after the bell and food have not been presented together for a significant period of time. What Learning term does this describe?

What is Extinction?


The part of the eye that sends visual and neural messages to your brain

What is your Optical Nerve?


Telling yourself that you're going to fail this Unit test and then thinking "of course I failed" if you do is an example of...

What is Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?


Which motivational theory proposes that motivational states are controlled by external stimuli?

What is Incentive Theory?


Delaney is so irrationally scared of spider she has to leave the room when she sees one and refuses to reenter if her roommate doesn't kill it. Delaney has which phobia?

What is Aracnophobia?


When Lois looks at her wedding pictures, she has vivid memories of the early years of her marriage. The pictures serve as

What are Retrieval Cues?


The part of the endocrine system that is responsible for overseeing and regulating the release of ALL GLANDS and hormones across the entire body 

What is the Hypothalamus?


Survey research has shown that people with high levels of empathy (that is, an ability to imagine and feel what others are experiencing) tend to indicate lower ratings of enjoyment of violent humor than people with lower levels of empathy. What is the relationship of this correlation?

What is a Negative Correlation?


As a teenager, Amy often changed her wardrobe, her hair color, and the decorations in her bedroom. These actions are most strongly connected with Erik Erikson’s theory of

What Identity vs Role Confusion?


People who play slot machines in gambling casinos usually keep coming back for more, thus repeating their gambling behavior. This is because most games of chance use what schedule of reinforcement?

What is Variable-Ratio?


This term describes when you fail to notice something seemingly obvious when our attention is focused elsewhere

What is Inattentional Blindness?


You enjoy the taste of meat but you're also aware of inhumane conditions of animals and thus feel guilty that you can't afford better meat options. This can be described by which term?

What is Cognitive Dissonance?


Adrian loves to do dangerous activities like surfing and skydiving because of the thrill he gets. Which theory of motivation best explains Adrian’s desire to do dangerous activities?

What is Arousal Theory?


Steve was recently arrested for credit card fraud. He has a history of breaking the law and getting into fights with others. He frequently lies and has conned his family out of money on several occasions. When confronted about his behavior, he does not express any remorse for those he has harmed. Which of the following disorders most closely matches Steve’s behaviors?

What is Antisocial Personality Disorder?


A few people witness an assault. Before the police arrive, one witness confidently tells the others that the assailant was wearing a green shirt, though in fact the shirt was blue. Later, when the police interview each witness individually, almost all of them state that they remember a green shirt. The memory error is referred to as

What is the Misinformation Effect?


Which of the following biological systems is most likely responsible for an increase in heart rate while experiencing anxiety?

What is the Sympathetic Nervous System?


Rocio is continually learning new skills and gaining insights into herself. Although she is not experiencing any distress, she chooses to see a therapist. This primary emphasis on growth is most reflective of which of the following perspectives?

What is Humanistic Psychology?


Carol Gilligan was critical of Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of moral development for this reason

She thought his findings about men do not apply to women.


Ahmet is allergic to dogs. While in the toy store he sees a stuffed toy dog and has an allergic reaction. Ahmet’s reaction to the toy best demonstrates the process of which concept?

What is Generalization?


The order of how vision travels through your eye to your brain

What is "Retina -> optic nerve -> thalamus -> occipital lobe"


Doug is part of a large creative-design team at an advertising firm. The team comes up with many slogans for products. Some are successful; some are failures. Whenever the team comes up with a winner, Doug takes full responsibility and talks about how much of a role he played in the team’s success. When slogans are not effective, he denies having a big role in the project. Doug is most clearly demonstrating

What is "Self-Serving Bias"?


Placing group needs above one’s own needs (especially in a society) is known as?

What is Collectivism?


James makes a lot of money by lying to people in order to get them to invest in his company. James believes he is important and immune to prosecution, and he does not care about the people he takes money from. These characteristics are most associated with which personality disorder?

What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?