What do you do if a grease fire starts in the kitchen?
Cover it with the lid, flour, or a fire extinguisher
What food groups should you be eating every day ?
protien, veg, fruit, whole grains, dairy, good fats
When do you need to file your taxes?
Between Jan 1 and April 15
Name 10 vegetables
Misc answers
When is mom and dads anniversary?
Sept 26
What is the most important thing you can do to keep your a/c working properly?
Change the filter every month
What vitamins should you be taking daily?
A multivitamin!
What is APR on a credit card?
Annual Percentage Rate … the amount of interest they charge you each month
Name three meals you can cook
Misc answers
What does the “C” stand for in C.J.?
What device in your home “chirps” when it needs attention?
Smoke detector
Why should you blow dry your hair and scrub your scalp?
Remove dead skin and prevent fungus ( dandruff)?
How much of your paycheck should go in savings?
How do you know when chicken is
cooked fully?
165 degrees or juices run clear
What is Maw Maws middle name?
what needs to be done before you light a fire in the fireplace?
Open the flue and be sure it’s empty
At what fever temperature should you go to hospital?
How can you protect your financial info online?
Multiple answers
How long are leftovers good for in the fridge?
5 days , except seafood which is 3
What degrees did your parents earn in college? Ex: Bachelors of ????
Education and Business
What is the “pink stuff” sometimes seen in showers and how do you get rid of it?
Mold! Use bleach
What problems could arise if you don’t take thyroid medicine?
Lose hair, gain weight, hormone issues, goiter, thyroid storm
What is a W-2?
A form that reports your wages
What can you do when you evacuate for a hurricane to find out if your freezer lost power and your food is no longer safe?
Quarter in a cup
Where do Dad and Mom plan on moving when you are grown and flown?
Wherever you go!