1 word
What's the English for été ?
2ème ?
What are the English for décembre et janvier ?
December and January
Colors on the English flag ?
Red and White
2 words
Sunny / Hot / warm
What's the English for demain ?
21ème ?
Twenty second
What is the English for 2010 ?
Twenty Ten
Red / White / Green
3 words
Storm / Rain / Night / Lightning / Thunder / Tornado
What are the two words for automne in English ?
Fall (US) / Autumn (GB)
99ème ?
Ninety ninth
What is the date ?
What are the countries in the United Kingdom ?
England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland
3 words
Wind / Rain / Storm / Tornado
In summer, the weather is very ___
In summer, the weather is very HOT
3 765ème
three thousand seven hundred and sixty fifth
What was the date yesterday ?
What are the capital cities in the United Kingdom ?
London / Edinburgh / Belfast / Cardiff
4 words
Fog / cold / rain / cloud / storm / tornado
I am white and I fall from the sky in winter. What am I?
789 543ème ?
seven hundred eighty-nine thousand five hundred and forty-third
What's the English for 2004 / 1678 / 2345 ?
1678 : sixteen seventy-eight
2345 : twenty-three forty-five
What is the name of the flag of the United Kingdom ?
The Union Jack