On Call
Wild Card

A Young Adult lost their insurance cards and needs to get a check up.

not a crisis. Can put on to do list.


Why do we have this?

To honor coaches work hours while still offering support to YA's needing assistance outside of work hours


Define Crisis


any event or period that will lead to an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual or group

crisis in this role: Something that requires your immediate attention to ensure physical safety


If a YAC role is to help set up a YA for independence where in the below situation is the YAC's greatest responsibility?

YA decided she doesnt want to take her meds anymore because she feels fine. 

She loses her temper one day and gets kicked out of transitional housing.

work through as a team.

What's our goal? for YA to understand cause and effect of their decisions. Our answer might look different than theirs but ultimately want them to come to the solution themself.

collaborative solution


Your doing notes and 3 different YA’s call you for different stuff they say is urgent- need a ride to an interview, need their updated meds, need ebt.

This might feel like a crisis but is an opportunity to hold a boundary for yourself and the YA. YA is forced into experiencing the natural consequence's of these 3 things as a part of being an adult.

do they have another support or means to help them move forward in this situation? By you saying no you can figure this out/empowering them, you send the message that they are capable of resolving their problems independently. 


If a YA calls in the middle of the night during your on call then it is a crisis.




Define Urgent

Something jeopardizing eligibility within the program or life stability


How long do you have for notes to be completed in Guardian?

48 hours (2 business days)

must be done within the same week! 


A friend of your YA texts you that they are concerned your YA is doing Fentanyl

Assess the situation, clarify the severity of the current situation, if it is immediate stay on the phone call 911.


If a YA calls during the on call hours does this mean it is a crisis situation?


teams discuss



Define task

a job/piece of work needing to be completed. 

In this role: prioritizing crisis, urgent, to do list within my work boundaries; work boundaries include accomplishing the deadlines defined in the role responsibilities (aom, efc review, engagements, notes


Is the all staff meeting mandatory?



A Young Adult calls you making SI statements. What do you do?

1. Assess the situation: does the young adult have a plan and the means? Yes

2. Is there someone with them? No

3. Crisis- stay on the phone and call 911


What is an appropriate time frame to get back to a YA if a call is missed?

1 hour

(preferably ASAP)


Define First responder 

offer 4 examples

The first to arrive/respond at a scene of an emergency

Group home, transitional housing, placement, roommate, 911,  


What is the expectation when requesting time off? 

team discussion


A young adult calls stating they were kicked out of their placement

1. Assess the situation- Are they safe, do they have a natural support they can call or is this a natural consequence. 

2. If they are safe where does that fall on your to do list? And how do you set this boundary


If you are unable to work an on call shift or tend to a call, what do you do?

Notify supervisor immediately. 


Define natural consequence and include an example

Cause and effect. The result or outcome of a YA's actions. When we let the learning opportunity occur without immediate coach intervention.

ex. damage group home property, you get kicked out


All visits need to be completed during the holiday season.


True! Plan accordingly if you are taking time off. :)