Cultural Etiquette
Study Abroad Benefits
Application Process
Common Challenges

This European city is famous for its canals and is a popular destination for students studying abroad.

What is Amsterdam?


In this country, it is polite to remove your shoes before entering someone's home.

What is Japan, or an Asian Country?


Studying abroad can enhance this skill, often considered vital for global business and diplomacy.

What is language proficiency?


This document, often required for studying abroad, provides a record of your academic performance.

What is a transcript?


This challenge involves adjusting to a new educational system, including different teaching styles and academic expectations.

What is academic adjustment?


This city, known for its iconic Opera House and Harbour Bridge, is a popular choice for studying in Australia.

What is Sydney?


In this country, it is customary to greet with a "wai," a gesture involving pressing your palms together and bowing slightly.

What is Thailand?


This benefit of studying abroad involves gaining a new perspective on one's home culture by experiencing another culture.

What is cultural awareness?


This type of essay, required by many study abroad programs, allows you to explain why you want to study in a specific country or program.

What is a personal statement?


Navigating this can be a challenge for students, especially when the local language is different from their native language.

What is language barrier?


his capital city of Japan is known for its blend of traditional culture and modern technology, attracting many international students.

What is Tokyo?


This Vietnamese custom involves offering this type of drink during social gatherings and meals as a way to show hospitality.

What is tea?


This benefit of studying abroad involves learning how to live independently and make decisions without immediate family support.

What is self-reliance?


Many programs require this, which includes letters from professors or employers who can speak to your qualifications.

What are letters of recommendation?


Students often face this issue related to homesickness while studying abroad.

What is feeling homesick?


This ancient Incan city, located high in the Andes Mountains, is one of Peru's most famous landmarks and a popular study abroad destination.

What is Machu Picchu?


In this Asian country, it's customary to greet with a bow rather than a handshake.

What is South Korea, Japan, Bhutan, China, Vietnam?


Engaging with different educational systems can expose students to this, which enhances their ability to think critically and creatively.

What is diverse academic approaches?


This term refers to the formal agreement between your home institution and the host institution about credit transfer.

What is a credit transfer agreement?


This can be a challenge for students adjusting to a new country, involving food, weather, and lifestyle differences.

What is cultural adjustment?


This South American city, known for its tango music and European-style architecture, is a popular destination for students from around the world.

What is Buenos Aires?


In Costa Rica, this phrase is commonly used to express a relaxed and laid-back attitude towards life, embodying the local culture.

What is "Vive la vida Vida"?


Many students return from studying abroad with enhanced skills in this area, often seen as a valuable asset by employers.

What is problem-solving or adaptability?


This process involves securing permission to enter and stay in a foreign country for academic purposes.

What is obtaining a student visa?


Managing this aspect of studying abroad can be challenging due to different costs of living and unexpected expenses.

What is budgeting and financial management?