What is the name of Miss Huppatz's Dog?
Which school values means to "commit to working productively together to achieve common goals"
Team work
What time does the school bell go in the morning?
What colour cover does your maths book have?
On what days does Cha Ching eat salad?
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
What Birthday did Miss Huppatz's mum celebrate in the holidays?
Which school values means to "ensure everyone feels welcomed, valued, accepted and connected".
How much time do you get to eat after break 2?
10 minutes
What colour cover does your Science/HASS book have?
On What days does Cha Ching eat crickets?
Tuesday and Thursday
How old is Miss Huppatz?
Which school value means to "value and care for ourselves, others and the community".
What is the first thing you must do when you come inside the classroom?
Set up your chair
What colour cover does your Spelling book have?
Write down 2 of Cha Chings previous names
Chilli and Coco
Who does Miss Huppatz play netball for?
Tasman Imperials
Which school value means to "take ownership of our self-management, learning, choices and outcomes".
What is the term we use to describe changing your behaviour between spaces?
What colour cover does your English book have?
How many toes does chilli have on each foot?
What is one of Miss Huppatz's hobbies outside of school?
Camping, Sewing or Travelling
Which school value means to "bounce back in response to perceived challenges or conflicts".
Write down at least 3 student leader jobs
What colour cover does your Health/ Tech book have?
Light Purple
What is Chilli's favourite fruit to eat?