My mother wouldn’t let us go on the rides at the local fair. She told us that when she was a kid, she knew someone who was hurt on a ride called “The Mixer.” Also, a few years ago she read a story about a fair ride that was stuck in mid-air for over an hour, and just last week there was a story online about the lack of seatbelts of fair rides.
Fair rides have a _____________________ for being dangerous because _________________________________________.
Rachel’s teacher, who plays a pivotal role in the story's conflict, is named this.
Who is Mrs. Price
What is a claim statement?
a statement that tells what a writing will be about
What is the opening paragraph to your writing called?
The closing, the introduction, or the body?
What is the theme of a story?
the lesson or moral of a story
Who is the god of war that Percy defeats in The Lightning Thief?
My backpack is so heavy! By the time I get home, all I want to do is put this ___________________ down.
This object, which symbolizes Rachel's discomfort and confusion, is used by her teacher to embarrass her in the classroom.
Janet had always been so mean to Maliyah. Maliyah had a hard time believing it when Janet started to treat her kindly. But it became clear over time that the change in Janet was real. She was trying hard to be a better person.
Janet’s behavior ___________________ because_______________________________.
Transformed because Janet had always been mean, but recent has been trying to treat Maliyah with kindness. She is trying to be a better person.
She is busy as a bee.
What is the pronoun in the sentence?
What is text evidence?
What musical takes place in the land of Oz and contains the songs "I'm Not That Girl," "Wonderful," and "March of the Witch Hunters"?
What is Wicked
Lyla was filled with ___________________ when her teacher said she was calling home.
Who admitted at the end of "Eleven" that the red sweater was theirs?
Phyllis Lopez
I was ___________________ to join the club, but it ended up being a great decision.
How are an informational and narrative essay different?
Information is teaching on a subject.
Narrative is writing a story.
Name two conjunctions?
Which continent is the Sahara Desert located on?
Both Tina and Sara are amazing athletes and musicians. They’re both funny and popular too. But Tina is a much more focused student than Sara. she regularly studies on the weekends to prepare for her next week of classes.
The ___________________ that makes Tina and Sara different is_________________________.
Trait and she is more focused than Sara.
The lesson that Rachel learns by the end of Eleven can be described as this: it’s important to assert yourself when others treat you unfairly, even if it’s hard.
What is self respect
Even though I lost the race, I did my best. For that reason, I still had my ___________________.
What are the verbs in this sentence:
She watched him play at the park.
watched and play
Name 3 adjectives
description words
How many nieces and nephews does Ms. Scavarda have?
what is 3
How does RACE help you write a clear answer?
It reminds you to answer the question, cite evidence, and explain.
This feeling, which Rachel experiences when she tries to explain to her teacher that the red sweater isn’t hers, represents her sense of powerlessness.
What is frustration/anger/sadness
Fill in the blank:
With their team losing 28-3, fans were filled with ____________ about their team's chances of winning.
What are the TWO parts that every sentence must have in order to be a complete sentence?
Subject and Predicate
Trying to convince someone of something
What is the name of Ms. Scavarda's dog?
Who is Megatron