Issues & Choices
All things Aim High
Advisor Challenge

6th: What kind of music do your teachers like playing in class?
7th: What were the presentations on Monday about?
8th: Who is Ms. Jo's favorite student?
9th: What is your groups environmental issue?

6th: Taylor Swift & KPOP
7th: Natural Hazards
8th: answers vary
9th: answers vary


6th: What is the room number of our class?
7th: Fill in the blank. Turning ___
8th: How many Bills are in the Bill of Rights?
9th: What is our talking piece?

6th: 308
7th: Red
8th: None, Bill is a person. The Bill of Rights has Amendments
9th: Miffy


6th: What movie have we started watching in class?
7. what are we working on this week?
8th: What are your I&C teachers names?
9th: What movie have we started watching in class?  

6th: Answers vary
7. I am Poems
8th: Eli & April
9th:Answer varies.


What Day and Week of Aim High is it

Day 3 of Week 5 (last week)


What time is staff meeting?

2:30 on Wednesdays


6th: What is Joyce's favorite color?
7th: What college did Ms. Cabrera go to?
8th: How many times has Ms. Jo gotten lost at Aim High this summer?
9th: What is the name of your eco-buisness?

6th: Blue/turquoise
7th: SF State
8th: 5
9th: answers vary


6th: What college did Mr. Robert graduate from and Erick going into?
7th: Give one example of a transition word/phrase
8th: Is the right to loot and riot protected by the 1st Amendment?
9th: What country is Caleb moving to after AIMHIGH

6th: San Francisco State University
7th: Answer varies
8th: No, not really
9th: Japan


6th: What do Ms. Selina and Kylie give you as an incentive for participation?
7. What is one example of Wellness for your "I Am Poem"
8th: What college did Eli go to?
9th: What is one college access program you are considering joining in high school?  

6th: Lifesavers
7th: Answer varies
8th: UC Berkeley
9th: Answer varies


When is the last day of activities?



What is the MOST frequented snack in the office by the CATMin?

Hot Cheetos


6th What is Austin's favorite cuisine?
7th: Which plate tectonic occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other?
8th: What is Ms. Abi's favorite color?
9th: What state is Lake Juliette in?                                                                                        

6th: Indian & Pakistanian foods
7th: divergent boundary
8th: orange            
9th: Georgia


6th: What two colors are our class mascot?
7th: What is a zine?
8th: What is one of the two head coverings that were sources of discrimination in our readings?
9th: what is the final project you just did

6th: Pink and white
7th: Answer varies.
8th: Hijab and Turban
9th: Hero Presentation


6th: How can you be dismissed from Ms. Selina and Kylie's classroom?
7. Where is Pat going to College?
8th: What college is April attending?
9th: What does the C in the A-G requirements stand for?  

6th: By getting your quiet coyote taller than Ms. Selina's.
7. San Jose State Univeristy / SJSU
8th: Claremont Mckenna College
9th: Mathematics


What is happening on Friday?

Aim High Carnival & Celebration Day


What is the address for June Jordan?

325 La Grande


6th: What was your favorite activity in class this summer, and what did you learn from said activity?
7th: What is one thing you should do in an event of a flood?
9th: What kind of water did the residents in Juliette, Georgia rely on?

6th Answers vary
7th: answers vary
8th: answers vary
9th: groundwater


6th: What two colors are our class mascot?
7th: Who made our poster for our door?
8th: What is one of the two head coverings that were sources of discrimination in our readings?
9th: Name 3 hero of the days

6th: Note Catcher
7th: Pat
8th: Twice by FIFTY FIFTY  
9th: Answer Varies


6th: What is a boundary?
7. What does Barangay from Pat's poem mean?
8th: Name two of the warm-ups we do
9th: What letter grade is required for A-G requirements?  

6th: Answers can vary.
7. Community
8th: would you rather, riddles, catchphrase, etc. (Check w/ Eli & April)
9th: C or better  


What are the names of the 4 Volunteers

Ethan, Jaime, Joey, & Jose


What is the name of the place we had our staff dinner?

Parklab Gardens


6th: Briefly explain your group's chosen final project and how it relates to what we have learned this summer
7th: How are mountains formed?
8th: What are the requirements of your rollercoaster project?
9th: What is the limit that Califorina set on hexavalent chromium in drinking water?

6th: Answers vary; check in with Austin
7th: When two plate tectonics collided into each other.
8th:check with Jo
9th: .02 parts per billioin


6th: In three sentences, describe your group's infographic and why did you write about your topic.
7th: Finish the lyrics of the song by 4 Town: " I've never met ___"
8th: Who's the coolest guy teacher named Bill in 8th grade?
9th: What is Haniel's and Caleb's favorite artist

6th: Verify with Rob and Erick
7th: "nobody like you. Had friends, and I've had buddies, it's true"
8th: Bill  
9th: Tyler the creator and DAY6


6th: What is one behavior that a person who has growth mindset performs?
7. Who sings The perfect Pair of Cologne
8th: Name 3 projects we've worked on in class
9th: Name 3 college access programs we learned about in class

6th: Answers can vary.
7th:  beabadoobee
8th: Life map, mind map, research project, boundary map, senior yearbook
9th: Answer varies.


What room number is the Staff Office 



What Advisory Came in 3rd place for the CATlympics?
