The prefix un- helps the reader know the word unhappy means?
not happy
The suffix -y helps the reader know the word salty means?
Full of salt
What is the meaning of the root "rupt"?
to break
What's the meaning of a simile?
comparing two or more things using like or as
What is personification?
Giving human qualities or actions to something that isn't human.
What is the meaning of re-?
The suffix -ic helps the reader know the word historic means?
relating to history
What is the meaning of the root "anni"?
What's the meaning of a metaphor?
Comparing two or more things without using like or as
What is alliteration?
Repeated first letters in the same line or sentence.
A red cape can enrage a bull. What does en- mean?
Cause to be
The suffix -ty helps the reader know that loyalty means?
state or quality of being loyal
What is the meaning of the root "tox"?
What is onomatopeia?
Sound words
Give an example of onomatopeia.
(any sound word)
What is the meaning of dis-?
not or opposite of
The suffix -ment means?
the act or process of
What is the meaning of the root "pyro"?
What is an idiom?
The meaning that's different from the literal meaning of the words in the phrase.
You can't figure out the meaning by looking at the words.
Give an example of a metaphor.
Answers will vary.
We had to defrost the windshield because of the snow. What is the meaning of de-?
remove or reverse
The suffix -er helps the reader to know the word cheerier means?
More cheerful
What is the meaning of the root "omni"?
What is a hyperbole?
Focuses on extreme exaggeration that's not meant to be taken literally used to emphasis a point.
A big, dramatic way of saying something.
Give an example of an idiom.
Answers will vary.