December Concert
Battle of the Books
Mr. Kyzer
Talent Show
This pop singer wrote and performed the song that the Knox 6th grade band played to accompany the chorus.
Who is Arianna Grande?
Although the Knox band director helped out, she was the faculty sponsor of the 2016 Knox Battle of the Books team.
Who is Mrs. Cain?
The actual height of the "witty" Knox band director.
What is 6 foot and 7 inches tall?
The boy who sang "Had a Bad Day" that was actually a pretty spectacular day performing in the 2016 show.
Who is Dillon?
The only parent of a trombone and a trumpet player in the Knox Bands to chaperone this year's fabulous trip to Carowinds.
Who was Mrs. Jessica Walser?
The head covering that each Knox 6th grade band member wore during the December concert.
What are Santa hats?
A book that features camel racing?
What is "Rebels of the Kasbah?"
The two Southeastern Conference football powerhouses where Mr. Kyzer earned degrees in music education.
What is the University of Georgia and LSU?
The two girls who served as M.C.'s for the show, introducing each and every act during ALL FOUR SHOWS.
Who were Katherine and Janiya?
The recorded feedback about our musical performance at Carowinds.
What were the judges' comments?
She is the director of the group that collaborated with the Knox 6th grade band during our December Concert.
Who's is Ms. Glance?
Authors Neil Gaiman and Clay Carmichael wrote these two books.
What are The Graveyard Book and Wild Things?
The number of Mr. Kyzer's children who have earned college degrees.
What is 3?
The tallest member of the Gymnastics group that performed all manner of stunts at the very beginning of the show.
Who was Mallory Link?
The name of the restaurant that we stopped at for dinner after our fun day in the park.
What is Chic-fil-A?
This selection was the first song on the Knox 6th grade and all-grades chorus concert.
What is "The First Rockin' Christmas?"
Authors Gail Carriger and Jacquelyn Woodson wrote these books.
What are "Ettiquette and Espionage" and "Brown Girl Dreaming?"
The name of the band instrument that Mr. Kyzer began studying in the 5th grade at Shirley Hills Elementary School in 1968.
What is the trombone?
This 8th grade student performed by himself, with the jazz band, and helped out two additional performers during the show.
Who is drummer Kobe Partlow?
The day of the week and the date of this year's Knox 6th grade trip to Carowinds.
What is Saturday, April 16?
The $ 45.00 that each band student needed to pay to the Knox band boosters at the concert.
What is the first Carowinds deposit?
The fearless band of Trojans who defeated Mr. Kyzer in the first round of "mock" Battle of the Books.
Who is the Knox Student Battle of the Books Team?
This award was won by both Knox 6th grade Science teacher Mr. Steinbarger and Mr. Kyzer.....TWICE EACH.
What is Knox Teacher of the Year?
The official name of the Knox Student Talent Show.
What is Spotlight 2016?
The two types of items that every Knox 6th grade band member (including Mr. Kyzer) had to be wearing ON THEIR FEET in order to load the bus.
What are black socks and black shoes?