What is the piece that brass players attach to their instrument to play it?
The mouthpiece
The small piece of cane that most woodwind players use to play their instrument.
What is the biggest and lowest drum in the percussion section?
The bass drum
What does MF mean?
mezzo forte, medium loud
What does MP mean?
Mezzo piano, medium quiet/soft
What is the only brass instrument that uses a slide to change notes?
What color are most clarinets?
The keys of the bells are the same exact set up for notes as which other percussion instrument?
The piano or any other keyboard instrument
How many beats is a dotted half note worth?
3 beats
What does "andante" mean?
Walking speed/tempo
What is the biggest and lowest brass instrument?
What is the tool that saxophonists place around their neck to support their instrument?
Neck strap
What is the tool that we use to play the bells, cymbal, or bass drum called?
Fortissimo, VERY loud
What does "allegro" mean?
Fast, quickly
What is the only brass instrument that is an F instrument?
French horn
Name a double reed instrument.
How many timpani are in a standard set? (Hint: We do NOT have a standard set in Surrey)
What is the word we use when a note needs to be played very short?
How many beats would two TIED half notes be?
4 beats
The French Horn is a ____ instrument.
(C, B flat, E flat, or F)
The clarinet is a ____ instrument.
(C, B flat, E flat, or F)
B flat
The piano/bells is a ____ instrument.
(C, B flat, E flat, or F)
E flat
How many beats is a dotted whole note worth?
6 beats