Making Inferences
Perspective - "Scrambled"
Perspective - "Snack Attack"
My amazing Autistic Brain!
WILD CARD - fun trivia!

This is one clue you can get from the sound of someone's voice, to help guess how they are feeling.

What is - loud, yelling, laughing, crying sounds, very quiet voice, screaming, giggling, swearing/cursing, or anything to do with tone or language.

This is why the girl first thought she had solved the Rubik's cube after her first try.

What is - because she had solved ONE side, and was only looking at that side.

This is how the old lady feels about the cookies once she finally gets them out of the machine, and one clue that tells us that.

What is - she loves them, she is excited to eat them, etc. - because she looks happy, she is smiling, she sits down immediately to eat them.

This is just one kind of information we take in with our SENSES, which autistic people can be extra sensitive to.

What is - seeing/sight, hearing/listening, smelling, tasting, and/or touch/feeling.


This is the color of the spots on a common ladybug.

What is BLACK?

These are the kinds of clues you can gather by looking at someone's face, in order to try to guess how they might be feeling.

What are facial expressions?  Smiles, frowns, crying, tears, angry face, mouth turned down, etc.


This is how the Rubik's cube felt about people solving it - and this is ONE clue that helps us know that.

What is:

1. It WANTS people to solve it; it feels happy about being solved; it is excited to have people solve it; etc.

2. One CLUE is:  it acts excited, it jumps up and down, it keeps rolling up to people, etc.

This is the old lady's perspective on the boy eating her cookies.

What is - that he is stealing them, taking them without asking, etc.


This is just one example of what you might call my "special interest."  (PERSONAL to you!)

What is - anything that YOU LOVE TO DO more than anything else!


This is the kind of fish that Nemo (from "Finding Nemo") is.  

What is a CLOWN FISH?

This is what you might infer about WHY a teacher has been absent from school if, after he returns from a 2-week period of being gone, he looks sad and is very quiet, and starts to cry quietly when a student mentions how much they love their mom.

What is - he was gone for a funeral, his mom died, he was absent because of a death in the family, etc.


This is how the girl ends up solving the cube in the end - it has something to do with changing her PERSPECTIVE about it.

What is - she started to think of it like her video game - matching colors, putting colors together, patterns of colors, etc.


This is the boy's perspective on the cookies sitting between him and the old lady on the bench.

What is - they are HIS cookies!


This is one example of me having BIG FEELINGS (like, how you will know that I am really happy, really sad, or really angry...)

What is - any reaction that is specific to you - crying, yelling, jumping up and down with excitement, waving your hands around, etc.


This is the number of legs that a lobster has.  (Hint:  If legs were years, it's the same as how many would be in a DECADE.)

What is 10?


This is what you might infer about how your friend feels about animals, when your class has to cancel a field trip to the zoo, and he starts crying loudly.

What is - he LOVES animals?  Or, he LOVES the zoo.


This is how we know that the man at the end of the film has missed his train.

What is - we see the train come and go, he is acting angry, he throws his suitcase down, he makes an angry noise, etc.


This is the reason for the misunderstanding about the cookies between the old lady and the boy (hint - we figure it out when the old lady thinks back about getting the cookies).

What is - the old lady actually put the cookies in her bag, and then sat down next to the boy, who put HIS cookies on the bench without her seeing it.


This is just one thing that helps me when I am upset, overwhelmed, or frustrated.

What is - anything that is specifically helpful to you - taking a break, deep breathing, laying down on the mat, talking it out, etc.


This is the name of the place where the president of the United States lives.

What is The White House (or Washington D.C.)


This is just one reason why it is important to be able to make inferences about how people are feeling - your friends, your teachers, your families. . . 

What is - anything to do with making friends, understanding where people are coming from, getting along with others, being empathetic, knowing what to say to someone or how to deal with them, etc.

This is one PREDICTION, based on what we know about the cube, and what has happened in the film up to this point, about what might happen NEXT in the movie.

What is - anything to do with the man trying to solve the cube, the cube trying to get the man to solve it, the man having a better day after trying to solve the cube, etc.


This is something that the old lady might say to the boy, if she were to see him again.

What is - I'm sorry, or sorry I ate your cookies, or I didn't know they were your cookies, etc.


This is my FAVORITE thing about the way my amazing autistic brain works!

What is - anything that you are proud of, feel good about, or LOVE about the way you think!


This is a kind of bird that can mimic humans.

What is a PARROT?  (would also accept songbird, or mynah bird)