Science Basics
If you round 2.66702 grams to 3 digits you get?
What is 2.67 grams
What are 3 main branches of science?
What is Earth Science, Physical Science, Life Science
What does SI stand for and what is it?
What is International System of Units, metric system based on units of 10
What is difference between Science and Technology?
What is science is process of learning about the world around us, technology is using science to create tools and equipment
Data displayed in rows and columns is called what?
What is a table
What is a variable vs. constant
What is variable - factor being measured, constant - variable that stays the same
Experiments MUST be ?? (yours will be 3 times)
What is repeatable
What should you NEVER estimate?
What is medicine or anything medical
What is a hypothesis vs an inference?
What is hypothesis - an educated guess or prediction about the outcome of a tested problem, inference - conclusion based on something you observe
Why are models used?
What is things are too big, too small, to expensive, to extreme environments, save lives and money, save time, can be used for ANY environment
What is mass vs. weight, which would be different on Mars vs. Earth?
What is Mass - the amount of matter in something, weight - the amount of force. Weight would change (gravity is different), Mass would stay the same.
What are the basic steps of an experiment?
What is ask question (recognize problem), make hypothesis, conduct experiment, analyze data, make conclusion, communicate results
What is a rate?
What is change in something per time (ex. kilometers per hour - Speed)
If your hypothesis is incorrect, is your experiment wrong? WHy or Why not?
What is NO, just means your guess was wrong, and you may need to either re-evaluate your hypothesis or your variables to better test your hypothesis
This graph uses percentages of a whole
What is circle graph
How do you measure volume of an irregular shape (ex. mineral or rock)?
What is immerse the solid into a container water. record the amount (level) of water in the container before you put in the solid, record the level after the solid is placed in the container, record the difference. The difference equals the volume.
What is a system
What is a collection of items that relate to each other
A kg = how many g?
What is 1,000
If you shoot a paintball gun and hit the same tree but not the person, the shots are _____ but not _____.
What is precise but not accurate
Which graph shows the relationship between 2 numbers?
What is line graph
Convert the following: 500 cm to m, mm, km
What is 5m, 5000mm, 0.005km
What is the difference between observation and inference?
What is observation is using your senses to see what is around you (facts), inferences is using prior knowledge to make a conclusion about an observation (personal opinion - may or may not be fact).
If you measure something with the units meters cubed you measured what?
What is volume
What are the SI units for length, time, and temperature?
What is meters, seconds, Kelvins
If you had data including types of animals, years, and number of endangered species, what kind of graph would you use and why?
What is bar graph, you have 1 variable that is not a number (type of animal)