Meet Your Counselor
Visiting the Counselor
What is a School Counselor?
Counselor Expectations

What is your school counselor's first and last name?

Mrs. Hannah Meagher


Describe where the counselor is located

In the Middle School Office


Name one thing that a school counselor helps students with at school

Feelings, making good choices, how to do well in school, how to help students with anxiety and stress, and so much more.


During a counselor visit to your classroom, how should the class behave?

The class should be respectful and kind to all no matter what. 


Who can you talk to if the school counselor isn't here?

Your teacher or any adult that works here at school. We also have other counselors and our school Social Worker, Mrs. Mary Walsh


Name something your counselor enjoys outside of counseling? (hobbies)

Spending Time with Family, Singing, Watching and Playing Sports, Being Outside and Hiking, Traveling, Knitting


What are 3 things you would find in my office?

There are a lot of things....chairs, fidgets, stress balls, games, books, inspiring quotes on posters, lights


Can I stay home if I have a problem with a classmate or don't like the people in my class?

No! Try and solve the problem or get help from me or another adult at school.


True/False: Your counselor expects you to try your best EVERY day!



True/False:  You are in trouble if you have to see the school counselor

False, I am here to help you manage your emotions and support you, not to discipline you. 


What is my son's name?

Theodore (Theo)


How do you request/ask to see the counselor?

Let your teacher know that you would like to visit the school counselor. With permission, you can come to my office. If I'm not available, you can fill out an Orange Slip!


What types of things does the counselor teach in the classrooms?

1) How to be your best self (star qualities).

2) How to make good choices.

3) How to make and keep friends.

4) How to solve problems.

5) How to manage BIG and small emotions.


How does your school counselor want you to act with your classmates?

Positive, kind, respectful


True or False: Can the School Counselor fix your problems?

False- The School Counselor can help you think about different ways to solve or cope with your problems. Oftentimes, YOU are the only one that can choose to work on a problem.


Why did Mrs. Hannah choose to be a school counselor?

I enjoy supporting others through tough situations and I want everyone to know emotions are ok!

Mental health is important! 

Love spending time with kids!


What does confidentiality mean?  

This means that what you say in the counselor's office is private and not shared with others.


True/False- My counselor tells me exactly what to do when I have a problem

False - Your counselor will help you become a problem solver, or you will solve the problem together!


Finish the sentence:  My school counselor wants me to....

Succeed, be kind, be respectful, try my best, be positive, and be the BEST you! 


School Counselors are the only people you should talk to about your problems?

False - If you are having a problem, you should talk to an adult who will listen. That might be a trusted adult like a parent, neighbor, teacher, or coach. 


How many years has Mrs. Hannah been a counselor?

This is my 4th year!


Will your school counselor ALWAYS keep things confidential?

No.  If you or someone else is getting hurt, your counselor will need to tell someone to get help.


Do counselors talk to teachers and parents about how to help students?

YES! However, I will never share something confidential that you tell me as long as it doesn't involve hurting yourself of someone else. If you WANT me to tell your teacher or parent, you can ask me to do that.


True/False:  My school counselor expects me to be perfect

False:  Your school counselor appreciates mistakes because they are great learning opportunities! I make my own and each time I have learned from them.


Name 1 one way to be a good friend

Be kind, say nice words, include others, be helpful, be a good listener, etc.