Earth Spheres + Atmosphere Layers
Weather + Climate
W.E.D, Rocks, Plate Tectonics
Earth Layers + Human Impact
Earth in Space + Time

Which two of Earth's spheres are interacting in the following example:

"Plants receive water from precipitation"

Biosphere + Hydrosphere


Radiation heats the Earth's surface, land and water. Which of the following heat transfers is responsible for heating the atmosphere?




C. Conduction, the air directly above the sand and water will be heated through conduction (touch) between Earth's surface and gases.


Explain the processes of weathering, erosion and deposition. 

Weathering - breaks down rocks into sediments

Erosion - moves the weathered sediments to a different location

Deposition - deposits or drops off sediments that have been carried


Which of these describes the lithosphere? 

A. The lithosphere is made of rock that is weak and easily changed. 

B. The lithosphere is made of rock that is highly compressed and very hot. 

C. The lithosphere is made of rock that is molten and does not have a solid shape. 

D. The lithosphere is made of rock that is cooler and stronger than the other layers. 



Explain the difference between Geocentric Theory and Heliocentric Theory.

Double Jeopardy: Provide the name of at least one astronomer that believed in each theory

Geocentric Theory places the Earth in the middle of the solar system with the sun and other planets orbiting the Earth

Heliocentric Theory places the Sun in the middle of the solar system with all planets orbiting the Sun.

Double Jeopardy:

Geocentric Astronomers: Aristotle, Ptolemy

Heliocentric Astronomers: Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Kepler, Brahe


The higher you go in the troposphere, the colder it becomes because greenhouse gases trap heat closer to Earth's surface. However, the higher you go in the stratosphere, the hotter it becomes.

What is the explanation behind this temperature change in the stratosphere? 

The stratosphere contains a thin layer of gas, called the ozone layer, which absorbs UV radiation, making temperatures increase the higher you go in this atmosphere layer. 


Explain how the processes of radiation, conduction and convection create a breeze at the beach (sea breeze).

Radiation heats the Earth's surface (land + water), the atmosphere is heated through conduction, as the air over the land heats up, convection will cause the hot air to rise making space for cold air from the ocean to be pushed toward the land, causing a sea breeze.


Which of the following landforms is most likely caused by deposition?

A. Caves

B. Deltas

C. Rivers

D. Lakes

B. Deltas 


Look at the layers of Earth diagram below. Identify each of the layers. 

Double Jeopardy: Give at least one important detail about each of the layers.

Crust - composed of oceanic crust (more dense, newer) + continental crust (less dense, older)

Mantle - largest layer, convection currents occur in the asthenosphere, what moves tectonic plates 

Outer Core - composed of liquid metal (iron + nickel), responsible for magnetic field

Inner Core - composed of solid metal (hottest, most pressure, and most dense layer)


Which of the following actions would most likely happen to the motion of the planets without the force of gravity from the Sun?

A. The planets would gradually make smaller and smaller circles or ellipses.

B. The planets would keep moving in large circles or ellipses.

C. The planets would all start moving away from each other.

D. The planets would begin to move in straight lines.



Name the 5 Earth's spheres.

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Identify what they each represent on Earth.

Biosphere - Life/living things

Hydrosphere - Water

Cryosphere - Ice

Geosphere - Ground/Rock/Surface

Atmosphere - Air/Gas


Explain the difference between weather and climate.

Weather describes the weather over the short period of time, day to day, or hour by hour basis.

Climate describes the average weather over a long period of time. 


The sand found along the Gulf of Mexico originated in granite formed from slowly cooling magma in the Appalachian Mountains. When this sand is buried and compacted, it will become sandstone. The sandstone moves deeper underground where it will undergo heat and pressure to become quartzite. 

What is the rock cycle for this sequence of transformations?

Igneous Rock >>> Sedimentary Rock >>> Metamorphic Rock


The deforestation of rainforests for logging and for farming has had what direct effect on those areas?

A. desertification of the areas

B. the increase of highly fertile topsoil

C. decrease in the average annual temperature

D. production of a sustainable area of fertile farmland



Explain the relationship between mass and gravity and between distance and gravity.

Double Jeopardy: Name the astronomical body with the greatest gravitational force in our solar system

If mass increases, gravitational force increases

If distance increases, gravitational force decreases.

Double Jeopardy: The Sun


Name the 4 layers of the atmosphere from innermost layer to outermost layer

Double Jeopardy: Name the 5th layer.





Double Jeopardy: Exosphere


Regions of Earth that are near the ocean have a different climate than mountainous regions that are far from the ocean. How does the climate in these two regions most likely differ?

A. Mountainous regions get more wind per day than regions near an ocean. 

B. Mountainous regions get more cloud coverage than regions near an ocean.  

C. Mountainous regions have lower yearly temperatures than regions near an ocean. 

D. Mountainous regions receive larger amounts of solar energy per year than regions near an ocean. 




What is responsible for the movement of Earth's tectonic plates? Where does this happen?

Convection currents that occur in the mantle


Explain the difference between absolute dating and relative dating.

Double Jeopardy: Explain the law of superposition. 

Absolute dating gives the exact age of rocks or fossils

Relative dating can only provide an estimated age by comparing layers of rocks that are older versus younger.

Double Jeopardy: 

The law of superposition states that the layer at the bottom is the oldest and the layer at the top is the youngest.


Place the following astronomical bodies in the correct order from smallest to largest

Universe, Earth, comet, galaxy, moon, solar system

Comet, moon, Earth, Solar System, Galaxy, Universe


The hole in the ozone layer of Earth has caused negative environmental issues. If this hole decreases in size, which of the following will most likely happen?

A. increased global temperatures

B. increased melting of ice caps

C. increased blocking of UV rays

D. increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere

C, decreasing the size of the hole means the atmosphere will be better protected, increasing the chances of more UV radiation being blocked.


Condensation is part of the water cycle and also plays a role in the weather. Which of the following illustrates condensation as part of the water cycle?

A. water turning from a vapor into rain droplets

B. water turning into water vapor in an ocean or lake

C. water turning from a liquid into ice on a winter road

D. water turning from ice to liquid as salt is applied to a road

A. Condensation happens when water vapor gets cooled down in the atmosphere above and turns into rain droplets


Name each of the different plate boundaries and describe the movement they cause on land. 

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Name one of earth's features caused by each plate boundary

Converging plates - collide

Diverging plates - divide

Transforming plates - slide

Double jeopardy:

Converging: form ridges that create mountains

Diverging: Seafloor spreading, mid atlantic ridge, or rift valleys

Transforming: Earthquakes


Which of the following would most likely have a negative impact on the water quality of a river due to farming practices?

A. Some irrigation techniques can cause flooding.

B. Some chemicals used to help the crops become part of the local runoff. 

C. Some businesses have used water to cool machinery in their factories. 

D. Some methods deplete the soil of nutrients and cause desertification.



Name the inner planets and the outer planets. 

Double Jeopardy: Compare and contrast both groups of planets. 

Inner planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

Outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Double Jeopardy: 

Inner planets: rocky, little to no moons, hotter, closely spaced orbits, less gravitational force (less mass)

Outer planets: gas, more moons, colder, widely spaced orbits, more gravitational force (more mass)