Dystopian societies are often set in this kind of future world—good or bad?
Who is the main character of The Giver?
This is what is given at the Ceremony of Twelve, which is what you will be doing the rest of your life.
When is everyone's birthday in The Community?
December 31st.
This word is used to describe "sameness"
What Assignment does Jonas's dad have?
These are given to smaller children and are named after "imaginary" animals.
Comfort Object
The leaders of the Community are called this.
The Elders
This word is used to describe constant wataching.
What is Jonas's sister's name?
In this Assignment, you are expected to have 3 babies then become a Laborer.
Who is the most important member of the Community?
The Receiver
Dystopian stories often show worlds destroyed by these environmental disasters. Name one.
What are floods, tornados, earthquakes, droughts, or pollution?
The baby Jonas's dad brings home is named what?
This word means anxious or fearful something bad or unpleasant might happen.
This is the place where senior citizens go in The Community
The House of the Old
This word is the opposite of dystopia and is often how dystopias are started.
Who does Jonas's mom work for?
The Justice Department
The word "chastisement" means this.
To scold or punish someone.
What age do kids get a bicycle?