Literary Terms
Figurative Language
ELA Reading Skills

This is the moral or message of the story

What is theme?


Bedbugs are one of the worst household pests. This is an example of fact or opinion.

What is an opinion?


These books have a character or a group of characters who explore the stereotypes that surround this theme. They examine these biases and the struggles of individuals who fight against that and seek a life as their true, authentic selves.

What is gender?

Read the sentence. Tell what figurative language is found here. The flower was soft as silk. a.) simile b.) personification c.) hyperbole
In order to find the main idea of a passage, you first must look here. (Name all three to pass, four to gain an extra 100 points.)
What is the first sentence, last sentence, and title. *BONUS: ____________________

This is considered the turning point of the story/the most exciting part of the story.

What is the climax?


Maplehurst Middle School is located in Moncton, New Brunswick. This is an example of fact or opinion.

What is a Fact?


These books have characters who have one or more of these common characteristics: lack of money and resources, insufficient food, clothes, and shelter, and possibly identify as a social outcast.

What is poverty?

Read the sentence. Tell what figurative language is found here. The clouds rolled in ominously. The sky looked angry. a.) metaphor b.) personification c.) hyperbole
b.) personification
What two things do you need to make an inference?
What is background knowledge and information from the text?

This is a paragraph in a poem.

What is a stanza?


This part of the story tells you the setting and the main characters that are introduced at the beginning of the story.

What is an Exposition?


These books have characters who trust each other and never turn their backs on their family, friends, work and/or community.

What is loyalty?

The salsa was so hot, my tongue began to melt. a.) simile b.) onomatopeia c.) hyperbole
c.) hyperbole

Using context clues what does the word ominous mean:  The blackened sky appeared ominous and we all ran inside for cover.

What is menacing, alarming character foreshadowing evil or disaster. 


These are the 3 reasons for author's purposes.

What is to inform, persuade, and entertain?


This is the final part of the novel- the ending of the story.

What is a resolution?


This theme is explored different ways: this over other people, this over life, or this over death itself.

With any “of this theme,” comes the potential for corruption, misuse, or the lengths to which someone will go to achieve it.

What is power?

"Oh no....AH-CHOO! Sniffle, I need a tissue please." a.) onomatopoeia b.) idiom c.) personification
a.) onomatopoeia
What does it mean to "visualize" while you read? How can this help you understand a story?
Visualizing means to make a picture in your head. This helps to understand and remember a story because with focus, you can recall more details about a story that will carry on throughout the page, chapter, or book.
This type of noun is special and requires a capital letter.
What is a proper noun.

Create a sentence for the word "constantly"

What is 


Stories with this theme revolve around the main character who is something of an outsider, or at odds with the society they live in.  These characters are different from most, if not all, of the people around them, and they usually either struggle to fit in with society's expectations or rebel against them (sometimes both).

What is Individual vs. Society?

Read the sentence. Tell what figurative language is found here. "Could you please put a sock in it? I'm trying to focus!" a.) idiom b.) metaphor c.) hyperbole
a.) idiom

What is the opposite of the word "dense"

What is thin?